Sunday, January 20, 2019

Report: U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo To Resign To Re-Enter Politics?

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivers remarks on the Trump administration's Iran policy at the Heritage Foundation in Washington. Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

Politico: Pompeo discussing a run for Kansas Senate seat

His departure would be another blow to the president’s ever-changing Cabinet.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is slated to meet with veteran Republican strategist Ward Baker on Sunday afternoon to discuss a possible 2020 run for the vacant Kansas Senate seat, according to two people familiar with the plans.

Pompeo, a former congressman and ex-CIA director who in April 2018 was confirmed as secretary of State, is considering a Senate bid, though he has yet to make a final decision. Yet party leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, are aggressively wooing him. McConnell (R-Ky.) and Pompeo spoke shortly after Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts announced his retirement.

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WNU Editor: His resignation would be a hit on the Trump administration. He is close to the President, and he has been trusted by the President to handle a number of key foreign policy issues. His departure would leave a huge vacuum in the U.S. State Department. As to what is my prediction. The Kansas Senate seat is a safe Republican seat, and he is well positioned to win both the Republican primary and the Senate seat easily. He will resign at the end of this year to make a run for it.


Anonymous said...

How did this fat head finish first in his class at Westpoint?

How will he exist as a Senator; will he just go around the Kansas sticks giving speeches demonizing Iran every day? What will Bolton do without him? Christ, these two have never ending chubbs when it comes to the Persians.

Don't let the door hit yer fat azz on the way out Mike.

Anonymous said...


Do you have any idea of the academic workload at Westpoint?

My guess is that if you would have gone to West Point 20% chance you would have folded in the 1st summer. 80% chance that you would have folded before the end of the 2nd semester.

Have you been to Kansas?

I have. Maybe you out to get out of the basement more and quit chubbing.

What is your BMI and what is your age?