Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Russia's Venezuelan Policy Is In A Shambles

Economic ties between Russia and Venezuela range from oil and loans to arms sales [File: Maxim Shemetov/Reuters]

Al Jazeera: What Russia stands to lose in Venezuela

While the US pushes to drive Venezuela's Maduro from power, Russia vows to continue supporting it's 'strategic partner'.

As Washington intensifies its push to drive Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro from power, Russia's Vladimir Putin has vowed to support his South American "strategic partner" and warned of the "catastrophic" consequences if the United States were to send military assistance to opposition leader Juan Guaido.

When the US called a special United Nations Security Council session on Saturday, focused on the crisis in Venezuela, Russia used the session to warn against foreign intervention in the Latin American nation and accused the US of attempting a "coup".

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This Russian adventure to cultivate ties first with Venezuelan President Chavez and now Venezuelan President Maduro have been a disaster in the making. The end result of this courtship is that the Venezuelan government now owes Moscow tens of billions of dollars, and there are now doubts that it can even meet a minimal payment of $100 million in March .... Russia tells Venezuela it must repay its debt to Moscow on time (Reuters). This is also hurting Russian President Putin political. There is no Russian public support for the Kremlin to prop up regimes like Venezuela's Maduro, and even less so with Russian funds.


fred said...

$840M in gold bars prepared for loading onto Russian jet at Venezuelan airport: report

Roger Smith said...

More evidence of Putin still living in the glory days of the Soviet Union.
Myself, I'd check on the Clinton's and their foundation. Any 7 or 8 figure "donations" to their foundation lately?

Anonymous said...

Poor Fred

Slow, just slow

fred said...

why, when you have time between wanking, do you bother getting off on posting girly boy comments?
I never thought America the most corrupt country or even close to being in a fairly large list...of course banking offshore does not count in this. Now that you got yourself amused, return to that which you love most: pulling the tiny chain if you can locate it

Anonymous said...

You do not need off shore banking of you are a Democrat in good standing.

You get lucrative contracts built on the back of others.

Obama's Solyndra scandal reeks of the Chicago Way

"The Solyndra scandal cost at least a half-billion public dollars."

Thx Democrats!

You get legal tax loopholes.


Money for nothing and the chicks for

Walk like a Democrat ...

Anonymous said...

Marginal rates are for those who are not connected.

Marginal rates are legal theft by Democrats using the full force of the law, of police officers, to act as their enforcers.

Look at the table at the tax reductions.

The Democrat Party is a scam!

Bunch of Robber Barons!

Mike Feldhake said...

Fred, see question for you on later thread. I thought Trump worked for Putin?

Mike Feldhake said...

Yea, but we have a large segment of the electorate that wishes this pie in the sky free socialism. Make sure you vote. MAGA!