Monday, January 21, 2019

Should President Trump Meet Kim Jong-un?


Gordon G. Chang, National Interest: Stop the Summit: Trump Should Not Meet with Kim Again

Instead, Trump should resume his pressure campaign until North Korea gives real concessions.

On January 18, President Donald Trump met for about ninety minutes with Kim Jong-un’s emissary, Kim Yong-chol, in Washington, D.C. At the conclusion of the session, the White House tweeted that a second summit between Trump and the North Korean leader “will take place near the end of February.”

Let’s hope the February meeting does not occur. Trump had been successful through the middle of May of last year when he was pressuring—but not talking to—the North Koreans. Kim was, uncharacteristically, making all the concessions and Trump was making none.

In the middle of May, the American president agreed to meet, and Kim quickly turned the tables on him. American policy has been unsuccessful since.

The impulsive Trump can reverse the bad streak, however. To be successful, the key is again refusing to talk.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: A prediction. If nothing substantial comes from the next summit, it will be a long time before a U.S. President will be meeting a North Korean leader.


Anonymous said...

But the first one was epic.

"Just landed - a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office. There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea. Meeting with Kim Jong Un was an interesting and very positive experience. North Korea has great potential for the future!"

June 13.

Bob Huntley said...

NK achieved what it wanted to achieve ++. That was what was epic.

Anonymous said...

I definitely felt safer. Thanks for reminding me of that day. It was epic. Cnn told me it wouldn't happen either. Or how Obama handled it. Epic. Or how he told Trump in his letter to take care of it because he didn't. Epic

Anonymous said...

CNN never said that. provide evidence for your lies

Mike Feldhake said...

I saw it and will second his motion. Might not have been direct; but when you keep calling Trump and ignorant and suggesting he will start a war, that suggests he won't succeed. CNN is polluted with haters.

Anonymous said...

Poor Michael: what did you have to say, ever, before Trump gave you your marching orders?