Friday, January 4, 2019

This Map Shows Where The U.S. Military Is Combating Terrorism

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Smithsonian: This Map Shows Where in the World the U.S. Military Is Combatting Terrorism

The infographic reveals for the first time that the U.S. is now operating in 40 percent of the world’s nations

Less than a month after the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States, U.S. troops—with support from British, Canadian, French, German and Australian forces—invaded Afghanistan to fight Al Qaeda and the Taliban. More than 17 years later, the Global War on Terrorism initiated by President George W. Bush is truly global, with Americans actively engaged in countering terrorism in 80 nations on six continents.

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WNU Editor: That is a lot of U.S. military installations around the world.


kidd said...

What about Mexico

Anonymous said...

The USA should not be combating terrorism in Kazakhstan.

Let the Russkis do it. Maybe if the Russkis have to do it, then they would not have the money or the time to build a base in Cuba. War is not only about how many soldiers get experience (blooded), but about money too. There is a reason why France is on its 5th Republic but Britian is not. Duh!

Why should we combat terrorism in Spain? Let the socialist PM sing Kumbaya until he is blue in the face and a jihadi tears of the coexist sticker from the bumper of his car and worse.

Anonymous said...

we do have a base or more in Spain...and a terrorist in one spot uses that to get at other places...building a base in Cuba because your president allows this to happen

Anonymous said...

"Cuba because your president allows this to happen"

Obasma could not stop the Russians from building in Cuba short of military confrontation or war. It is a totalitarian regime, but still it is considered a sovereign nation by the international 'norms'.

Short of war all we can do is apply diplomatic and economic pressure. Glad I could educate you.

And know we should not help a nation run by a fascist pig like Pedro Sánchez.