Friday, January 4, 2019

President Trump Is Unconcerned That Europeans Are Unhappy With Him

DW: Donald Trump pleased Europeans are unhappy with him

US President Donald Trump said if he were popular in Europe, he would not be doing his job. Trump touted the "tremendous service" the US provides European nations, for which they should respect the US.

In his first Cabinet meeting of 2019, US President Donald Trump reflected on his lack of popularity in Europe. The president told reporters on Wednesday that he was unfazed by low approval ratings among Europeans, saying it was his job to demand that Europe treat the US more fairly.

"That's why I got elected," Trump said, reiterating that European countries must be pushed to increase their share of defense spending, a point he has made repeatedly when talking about NATO funding and defense and security in Europe.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The above DW article is only focused on Europeans being unhappy with President Trump. But it neglects to point out that even more Europeans are unhappy with their own leaders, and that they are polling at numbers that are far lower than President Trump's.


Anonymous said...

And Trump still unable to get to 50% popularity in the U.S. after two years in office despite low unemployment and good economy

Anonymous said...

The press matters. The press prostitutes (presstitutes) have worked very hard at driving down the polls number of any Republican.

People do lie to pollsters (See the Wilder effect).

When Democrats own most of the media and use it like Herr Goebbels would, this is not an unexpected result.

Anonymous said...

These are not any old presstitutes. These are holy temple presstitutes.

They have a holy mission and thus lying and fornication is does not make them a ho.

New York Times Refuses to Fire Reporter Who Slept With Government

Where does Ali Watkins sit in the New York Times building?

Next to the racists (Jeong), the plagiarist, the propagandist, ...

Anonymous said...

The USA wasn’t popular in Europe during Obama’s reign of ineptitude and crime. Nor Bush 2, the dummy. The slide has been gathering pace as the values diverge between Europe and the USA. Look at the major European political parties and compare their values to the GOP. The GOP would be considered “far right” and an extremist group. Possibly banned in Germany or Britain.

Anonymous said...

Europe loved Obama! you are dead wrong. And still does. He remains more popular than Trump.
Blame the media for Trump's unpopularity? The polls are usually not done by media, and are objective.

Anonymous said...

What a marvelous grasp of the absurd you have. Couldn't possibly be learned has to be innate.

Anonymous said...

" The polls are usually not done by media, and are objective."

WSJ/NBC News Polls: Articles and Charts -

CNN poll: Democrats are fired up and maintain a strong ... -

ABC NewsRadio - Web Poll

The news media conduct many polls.

The news media lies directly by slanting or framing a story or by omission. It lies by how often they repeat some stories in relation to others.

The media is in the lying business, pure & simple.

Hans Persson said...

And these numbers are what you get when the media is brainwashing people 24/7 with almost 99% negative articles about Trump. I doubt that any ordinary european know what Trump has actually done in the WH these two days.

Hans Persson said...

Stupid auto-correct. "these two years."

Sorry about the dubblepost.

Anonymous said...

Wall Street Journal: Trump Uttered Biggest Doozy of All
'We cannot recall a more absurd misstatement of history by an American President'

Anonymous said...

You cannot help yourself can you?

Anonymous said...

Nope. Not when I see stupidity put online

Anonymous said...

Again you can't help yourself in retorts or subject matter. Stop reading your own commentary, that would help you as far as stupidity.

Anonymous said...

" The editorial came in response to the president's comments during a Cabinet meeting that the Russians "were right" to be in Afghanistan in the 1980s because "terrorists were going into Russia." "

There are a lot if books on alternative history from what ifs by scholars to historical fiction by novelists.

The USSR went into Afghanistan ostensibly to save a faltering revolutionary regime. That is true. But what motivated more were people coming across the border to preach Islam or instigate acts of terrorism.

Now just imagine that the jihadis had their way in 1979. They convert the stans in 30 years time and make large inroads into Mother Russia itself. they gain control of the Russia's nukes.

In short, there were two reasons both true that caused Russia to invade Afghanistan, the cover story and proselytization.

Trump was correct. The middle road was to muddle through the mess is to not let the jihadis or the communists to win in that or the subsequent generation.

Anonymous said...

Trump's trade war is probably hitting the US economy a lot harder than China's, HSBC says

Anonymous said...

"HSBC Holdings plc is a British multinational banking and financial services holding company. It is the 7th largest bank in the world, and the largest in Europe, with total assets of US$2.374 trillion. "

Says one bank.

In my city I see no empty commercial building for the 1st time in a long time.

Tell another lie.

Anonymous said...

the issue is Not commercial real estate but a contrast between two economies in an ongoing trade war

Anonymous said...

My observation is sound. The observation was the US economy is doing fine.

Sure You might say that I am only in one city. That is not true. I have been to several cities in the last few months. Also, I see the unemployment figures. So between national stats and what I see myself, I would say the economy is good.

Go truthspew at the Huffpo or MSLSD.

Anonymous said...

I have counted (via google) 18 none
MSM polls!

Trump has yet to hit 50% popularity, despite good economy and good job market

Anonymous said...

I listed a whole bunch of polls from MSM after you said there were none and therefore no bias.

You are panting dude.

Anonymous said...

Trump is unpopular and Merkel, Macroni and May are popular? Those leaders all have 1 foot out the door.

All the polls are doing is trying to make the wishes of propagandists true. That is the purpose. People hate Leftists in Europe.