Wednesday, January 9, 2019

U-2 Dragon Lady Flies Over The NCAA Championship Game

Air Force Times: Watch the U-2 Dragon Lady fly over the NCAA championship game

The U-2 Dragon Lady spy plane is one of the most iconic aircraft in the Air Force’s fleet, but many people have never gotten a glimpse of it — until last night.

A U-2 conducted a flyover before Monday’s College Football Playoff National Championship at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California.

As Airshow News — which posted this great video of the flyover — noted on its Twitter feed, a low-altitude flyover by a Dragon Lady is a rare occurrence indeed. The U-2 typically flies at extremely high altitudes, sometimes near space, and has a ceiling of more than 70,000 feet. It flies so high that its pilots must wear full-pressure suits similar to astronaut suits.

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WNU Editor: This is something that you do not see everyday.


manstien said...

WOW! For most, a once in a lifetime experience.

Bob Huntley said...

Interesting that when the flag is displayed parallel to the ground half the people in the stadium see the flag upside down.

Roger Smith said...

I saw one take off from Bien Hoa airbase in 1968. I have never seen an airplane leave a runway at such an angle. I didn't think it possible. Officially, I never saw that.

You kids stick with us old farts. We've just about seen it all.

Anonymous said...

Roger, thanks for sharing... and yeah, you old farts are very welcome to stick around hehe we need your brains and experience... can't count much on the kale eating pussies who abandon due process and justice in the wink of an eye.. so.. tell us more about that angle that you didn't see of course hehe ;) But yeah, the U2 is a cool plane, old as f, but does the job and got cool stories to tell