Thursday, January 3, 2019

U.S. Warns Iran On Missile Launches. Iran Rejects These Warnings

A Sayad missile fires from Talash missile system during the air defence drill in an undisclosed location in Iran. Picture: AFPS

Reuters: U.S. warns Iran on space launches, Tehran rejects concerns

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States issued a pre-emptive warning to Iran on Thursday against pursuing three planned space rocket launches that it said would violate a U.N. Security Council resolution because they use ballistic missile technology.

Iran rejected the warning, issued by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, saying its space vehicle launches and missile tests were not violations.

Pompeo said Iran planned to launch in the coming months three rockets, called Space Launch Vehicles (SLV), that he said incorporate technology “virtually identical” to what is used in intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. Iran is not going to listen to the warnings from the U.S. Secretary of State.

More News On The U.S. Warning Iran To Not Conduct Missile Launches

Pompeo warns Iran against space launches -- The Hill
US warns Iran against space launch -- AFP
US warns Iran on space launches, Tehran rejects concerns -- Al Jazeera
US Warns Iran Against Conducting Planned Missile Launches - Pompeo -- Sputnik
Pompeo: US ‘will not stand by and watch’ Iran develop ballistic missiles -- Washington Examiner
'US is in No Position to Lecture': Tehran Balks at US Warning on Missile Tests -- Sputnik
Iran's FM hits back after US warns Tehran against space launches -- Middle East Eye


Anonymous said...

Pompeo the pompous buffoon.

One wonders if spouts this nonsense to ingratiate himself with the Orange doofus. Most likely.

fazman said...

Da da comrade, iran is friend ,no?

Anonymous said...

"The United States will not stand by and watch the Iranian regime’s destructive policies place international stability and security at risk,"

That is exactly what America will do. Pompeo is one of those dolts who loves to hear himself talk.

As far as "...destructive policies place international stability and security at risk", what the hell did the Iraq invasion do?

Gas on Mike, gas on. It's the only thing you are good at.

Unknown said...

Good grief

Unknown said...

I might be witnessing the end of the world wow

Anonymous said...

Consider WW2

The German General Staff considered they would be ready by the late 1940s for war.

Hitler pushed for earlier and got his way.

Germany had full employment, but its rearmament program was busting the bank. Some people have argued that Germany had to go to war or face economic collapse during peace time, which is something a socialist dictator like Hitler could not countenance.

Before Trump was elected and went back on Obama's deal done under the cover of night, Iran had dock strikes and other labor unrest. They cannot pay stevedores to offload imports. They cannot stop Tehran form sinking a foot a year due to resource mismanagement. But those old white men will keep launching rockets and waging war until their economy crashes.

Anonymous said...

“And what the President was doing, as he expressed from his heart, is to respond to the tragedy and the heeneousness of gassing children and using chemical weapons that went beyond the international convention of using chemical weapons.”

Sheila Jackson Lee, September 10, 2013