Saturday, January 26, 2019

Will There Still Be A U.S. State Of The Union Speech?

U.S. President Donald Trump delivers his State of the Union address to a joint session of the U.S. Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S. January 30, 2018. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Daily Mail: The State of the Union address is 'tentatively set for February 5' after Trump cut a deal to reopen the government

* The State of the Union address may take place on February 5, sources say
* The speech was formerly slated for January 29 but was postponed due to the partial government shutdown that finally ended on Friday
* Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi requested the speech be delayed on January 16 until the government was running again
* Trump says he'll sign a spending bill to reopen the government for three weeks
* On Friday Pelosi said the address 'is not planned now' and she and the president will work on a 'mutually agreeable date'

The State of the Union address may take place on February 5 now that the federal government is set to reopen.

Donald Trump's presidential address was formerly scheduled for January 29 at the House Chamber but it was postponed due to the partial government shutdown that is now the longest in U.S. history.

The shutdown was finally brought to an end on Friday after it stretched to its 35th day.

Despite the government getting back on its feet, it's reportedly 'not physically possible' to hold the annual speech next Tuesday, a source tells Fox News.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Speaker's Office is saying that there will be no State of the Union Speech this week .... Trump's State of the Union address is still not happening Tuesday despite shutdown ending, Pelosi says (USA Today). If in the end there is no State of the Union Speech .... this will be unprecedented. As for the government shutdown being "resolved" .... it is not resolved. While many do not believe there is a crisis at the border, many others do. We will be back to to square one in three weeks.


Anonymous said...

DEALS got his fat azz handed to him by a woman.


Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi is not just a woman. She is a scion of a political family, who votes day to day based on being a ruling elite of the majority party rather than what is good for America.

In 2006 she voted for the wall because her pollsters (mirror on the wall) told her that was what was needed for her to gin more power. Now her pollsters tell her a different story so she could not give 2 shits about the wall.

"When Nancy was born, her father was a Democratic Congressman from Maryland and he became Mayor of Baltimore seven years later."

Nancy has never been working class. She has always been a princess. Nancy might has well have a von or van as part of her surname.

Anonymous said...

And DEALS is an alleged billionaire. Goes from the penthouse to limo to private plane to a mansion. I identify.

Regular man of the people. Because of course, he's self-made. Just like you and me. Someday we'll be billionaires and have strong opinions on the capital gains tax.

Bob Huntley said...

Perhaps a State of Disunion address might be more appropriate. I think if you re-watch the vids of Trump in the news over the last month, or so, you will see a good preview of whatever it is he will present as a State of the Union Address whenever that time arrives.

Anonymous said...

DEALS is a princess hobnobbing with the Kennedys since JFK's inaugural ball.

She attended her first Democratic National Convention at age 12. Here she is at age 20 with John F. Kennedy at his inaugural ball

DEALS is a Democrat politician, whose business employ manual labor that is all non-union!


Anonymous said...

typical bitching by Orange Moron Deplorables...never say anything nice if you can be snippy childish name calling dummy. Just look at the numbers! the base now calling Trump a failure and the GOP running scared of their maniac and the independents scornful...not by chance the GOP beginning to talk of a candidate for replacing the Brainless One

Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi Mopped the Floor with Trump
The president lost his shutdown battle because he was outclassed by the woman leading the House.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi’s stock soars on victory in standoff

Anonymous said...

‘Pelosi does not mess around’: Speaker emerges triumphant from shutdown
President Trump’s capitulation on the shutdown generated rave reviews for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as she kept an unruly party caucus united in the face of GOP divide-and-conquer tactics.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi got thrown out of the house speakership after a mere 2 years.

She got this speakership by digging up dirt on other candidates.

If by mopping the floor you mean leaving the borders, the barn door wide open, then you have won.

And we will remember.

Anonymous said...

After Horrible Week, Trump Increasingly Seen as Vulnerable to a Primary Challenge

Anonymous said...

"After Horrible Week, Trump Increasingly Seen as Vulnerable to a Primary Challenge"

Someone has their panties in an uproar in anticipation.

A lot can happen in a year. There could be a terrorist attack with help coming from across the southern border. What will Nancy say then. She will say something to try to shift blame but people will not believe that painted woman.

Anonymous said...

Billionaire investor says he'd back primary challenger to Trump: report

fred said...

I am, as is well known at this site, not a Trump supporter. But while his minions here post smirks and bluster, they actually ignore something he has done that is good, according to many foreign affairs pundits.

Trump pulls a surprise move in Venezuela[behind paywall so not sure you can read this link. However, google about this issue if you adore Orange Misfit

RussInSoCal said...

Feed, we've been following Trump's policy on VEN thru his entire term. And yes, what he's done is text book geopolitical diplomacy. And hopefully a success.

We're just happy that YOU noticed it.

Anonymous said...

"But it may be the most traditional foreign policy move this president has ever made."

- LA Times

Traditional? Traditional where Congress has not declared war since WW2? Subsequently, liberals can call out their dogs, Antifa and the ANSWER Coalition to cause civil unrest.
That type of tradition?

Tradition , where the Port Huron Chuds backed by Moscow start the process of turning the 1960s into one of tumult.

Those traditions?

Maybe Trump can pull a GWB and get a congressional vote that passes. Then the Demoncrats can ask for another vote so they can hop on board before being against 2 or 3 years later.

Those traditions?

Traditions like this

So, when the Democrats figured out that everybody was lining up behind Bush, they demanded a revote of the resolution of force authorization so that they could vote “yes” on it. It was one of the most shameless things. They voted “no” the first time, and then they said, “Things have changed so dramatically, ...

Maybe there are traditions we should avoid.

Anonymous said...


It is not textbook unless the Democrats do it.

". And yes, what he's done is text book geopolitical "

It is like that ad where a shorter, stockier white guy pitches an idea in a board room there is silence. a few seconds later a younger, slimmer white guy pitches the same idea and everyone enthusiastically agrees. (Sorry I do not have a link to the ad. Kind of hard to search with generic words.)

America is like that, especially the Democrats. It is group think all the way down.

fred said...

We no longer go to Congress to declare war, ala FDR and WWII...Korea was merely a "police action." Now we are at war with terrorists and that is a war that of course will never cease...we also have military all over the world in places such as Africa etc where we operate but where the public knows little or nothing about such operations...Congress does not vote on such stuff any longer. It is a mistake to blame either party when in fact both have given over this responsibility to the chief executive, the president.
Ok to carp (if you on the left) about this move by Trump, or to heap praise if you are on the right...but this is how things are being done and in this instance pundits are giving Trump praise for this

RussInSoCal said...

Well said, fred.

Anonymous said...

"It is a mistake to blame either party when in fact both have given over this responsibility to the chief executive, the president."

It is anti-constitutional. Both parties are shirking their responsibility.

There is a difference Bush went to Congress for Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama went to Congress for nothing Libya or Syria.

Bush did not go to Congress The Phillipines nor Somalia and Yemen. Between pussy RINOS and Democrats they would not have seen any evil to warrant action.