Friday, February 8, 2019

Is The U.S. Now Conducting War With A 'Small Footprint With A Long Arm'?

American soldiers were seen at an outpost in Fatisah alongside Kurdish soldiers, with some even seen wearing the badges (right shoulder of left soldier) of the Kurdish People's Protection Unit.

Seth J. Frantzman, The Hill: ‘Small footprint, long arm’ appears to be new US way of war

The United States is trying to wrap up two major conflicts this year — the war in Afghanistan and the war in Syria against ISIS. At the same time, America forces are still operating globally against threats and to assist allies in defeating terrorist groups. In the second half of January, two U.S. airstrikes in Somalia killed 76 suspected al-Shabaab militants. This appears to point to a crossroads in the U.S. role. While troops may be coming home from major war zones, U.S. involvement in conflicts apparently will shift to focus on precision airstrikes and intelligence gathering.

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WNU Editor: Wars and conflicts have a mind of their own. The U.S. may want to "have a small footprint with a long arm", but the opposing side may have a different idea.


kidd said...

Soon freedom will be short lived once born into this earth we'll all be slaves just like the Israelites in Egypt then what.

kidd said...

You people keep eating from the poison tree

kidd said...

God will only take so much people so stop it

kidd said...

You totally lost the meaning of life

Anonymous said...

No one disagrees with that. You're stating the obvious, my King.

Now with all due respect your majesty, sit the f*ck down and let the grown ups talk while you go play in the rose garden and act out your royal life ffs sheeeshhhh Jesus who let him out again? Isn't it enough that we have to accept real royals still among us? Wait. ..we don't. Only the Brits are so stupid to have a class of "royals" pepped up by taxes paid for by the working man. Ffs British people you should really stop this nonsense and let everyone have the same class. We already have financial divide why have people like "royals"? Just look at the babbeling king above, indistinguishable from a town joker; -)