Monday, February 11, 2019

Poll: President Trump Approval Numbers Shocks Washington

Rasmussen's poll had Trump at 46 per cent on the day the three-week government shutdown began; he dipped to a low of 43 per cent in mid-January, but is now at 52 per cent after his State of the Union address

Daily Mail: Trump's approval rating among likely voters soars to his best in 23 MONTHS at 52 per cent after State of the Union address as border-wall shutdown talks intensify

* Rasmussen Reports poll as Trump at 52 per cent approval, his best showing in 23 months and a higher number than his winning edge in 2016
* Significant up-swing since government-shutdown low of 43 per cent
* New numbers were collected in the three days immediately following State of the Union address
* Asked what Monday's number mean, a senior Democratic House aide confided on background: 'I don't know yet if it's horrible, but it sure isn't good'
* Polling average is just 42.4 per cent, including mostly those surveys that are open to all Americans; Rasmussen polls only 'likely voters'

Donald Trump's job approval rating among likely U.S. voters hit 52 per cent on Monday in a daily tracking poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports, the polling organization he uses most frequently to promote himself.

That number is his highest since March 6, 2017, less than seven weeks after he took office. It has been even longer since Trump's 'strongly approve' and 'strongly disapprove' numbers weren't under water. They were even at 39 per cent on Monday.

Overall, 47 per cent of likely voters disapprove of Trump's Oval Office performance. That's a low water mark since November 2, 2018.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: After two years of 90% negative coverage from the main stream media on President Trump, coupled with Washington and the political establishment overwhelmingly against him, and after a government shutdown, his approval numbers are better than President Obama's numbers at this time in his Presidency. What is the cause of this jump? Over the weekend I talked to my brother who is a hard-core liberal Democrat living in the Bay area, and he is completely ticked-off with the Democrats and their policies. A friend of mine who is a Democrat living in New York city and who reluctantly voted for Trump in 2016, told me last night that he will be voting for President Trump in 2020 regardless of who the Democrats nominate. When the Democrats are losing their base, you know that they are in trouble. Which leads me to believe that these poll numbers are underestimating President Trump's election prospects. The next Presidential election is still far away, and anything is possible. But the trend lines currently do not favour the Democrats. Rasmussen's numbers are here .... Daily Presidential Tracking Poll


Bob Huntley said...

Hopefully, one day you, will re-join, if not then actually join the real world. As for party politics, the parties are basically both the same, slaves to the wealthy. And Trump wasn't elected by the "we voted for him crowd" but by the Electoral College, not the voters. Hell I bet you think America is a dumocracy.

Anonymous said...

How can anyone vote for baby killers democrat

Anonymous said...

I'm actually pro-choice. But obviously it has to happen aa early as possible,
Like in the first few days or couple of weeks, not as Democrats now want in the last week or day even. Freaking insanity is ripping through my former party. We used to be the ones of reason and science. We laughed at republicans and fox news. Now the Democrat archetype is a latte sipping, nonsense babbeling self righteous person who has this magic power to only see flaws in others but never one self. The hypocrisy, the lies in the Democrat party. .from the WassermanSchultz scandal in the last election, to Donna Brazille (while on CNN payroll!!!) giving hillary Clinton the town hall questions in advance and making a mokery of the democratic process..and then having the balls to go on book tour. This rot and this level of arrogance and being blasé about all the ugliness in the Democrat party made me leave. Trump 2020 for sure! He's a pig sometimes too, but he doesn't lie about it. The Democrats just lie lie all day long and having no plan about anything anymore. It feels like a bunch of freshly graduated idiots is running the show over there and Pelosi is overseeing the demise of a once great party now riddled with corruption, and near treasoneous behaviors. When the Democrats told themselves that Republicans are evil, that'swhat you get. ..a party that wants to exterminate you, not reason or compromise with you. So sick of it..I've been on the other side, I know how my former side (Democrats) talk about republicans. It wasn't always like that though. .. it really took off with Obama. If you were against Obama, you must be a racist. I remember the talking points back then. The "dog whistle" metaphor was used then already. And when Trump won, omfg all my Democrat friends in one voice from day one were "resist" and "not my president"

The balls it takes to be that dumb and call other people racist and evil while you murder babies, quite's just unbelievable what happened to my former party. Like body snatchers took over or something. Mindless zombies with mindless talking points, cheering on hollywood elites of all people in the world..omfg for me it's over. Can't imagine voting for that party again until Maxine Waters and hillary clinton are banished. They literally called for an end to chicory. The media have them a pass. Ffs...I could go on for hours. F them haha vote in 2020 yall

Bob Huntley said...

Relax Anon/Anon.

You do indeed have the misfortune, like the rest of your countrymen/women, to live in a really screwed up country. You are perhaps beginning to see from the inside what the rest of the world has been seeing for the last half century from the outside. The country is not a democracy. That is the process used, albeit very tightly managed for outcome, to elect representatives, sheriffs, governors and yes even the President although even once elected those elected have a drum they must march to or else. The country is a Republic, rule by law, sometimes. When the Democrats screw up, they aren't really screwing up, they are kowtowing to the will of the wealthy, the Republicans are just more dedicated to that will but as was seen during the Obama years just enough Democrats I think they called the Blue Dogs, went along with the Republicans so even that loser Obama was unable to deliver on the good stuff he promised so he just fell in line.

Who rules the world? There are two terms Oligarchy and Plutocracy. These terms are often considered to be synonymous with the former meaning rule by a small group the later; the former a small group composed of the wealthiest. So at this point in time, the only real government is the Plutocracy. All else is smoke and mirrors.

The Plutocracy you see survives by lies, innuendo, terrorism (including that posed by say, local police forces from time to time, non delivery of promises,financial control, and mankind's ability remain divided, and dramatically so, on stupid and irrelivant issues, and to believe whatever gets pushed their way and such people who buy such nonsense, such as yourself are their lawful prey.

Also at play in America is an amazing system of control as described by the late Howard Zinn, as follows: (I imagine you will skip over most of my post but at least read Zinn's quote and try to imagine where you yourself fit in the scale of success and wealth,and therefore how you would react to the need to "rise up to the occasion" should it arise. From your post I already know the answer to that.)

“The American system is the most ingenious system of control in world history. With a country so rich in natural resources, talent, and labor power the system can afford to distribute just enough wealth to just enough people to limit discontent to a troublesome minority. It is a country so powerful, so big, so pleasing to so many of its citizens that it can afford to give freedom of dissent to the small number who are not pleased. There is no system of control with more openings, apertures, leeways, flexibilities, rewards for the chosen, winning tickets in lotteries. There is none that disperses its controls more complexly through the voting system, the work situation, the church, the family, the school, the mass media--none more successful in mollifying opposition with reforms, isolating people from one another, creating patriotic loyalty.”
― Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States

Mike Feldhake said...

Bob, your hatred really comes across in this post. Not sure why anyone would not want us to succeed.

Anonymous said...

Yeah whatever dude
Democracy is formed by an idea and enforced by law. What you do is conspiracy theory. of course there is varying degrees of democratic effectiveness and everyone knows the US is not at number one there (by a long shot), but it is so because of things that have been deemed legal in the US, like superpacs and billionaires owning the wave lengths. Jeff Bezos owns the WaPo,which constantly attacks Trump. That's all obvious. My point is this and stands : of all the fake-democracy presidents the US had, he is the least fake. I ask you: what has Obama done in 8 years? What has bush done in 8? They are all good people, but they were not getting anything done. Trump does so much and despite nearly all of the media working against him in coordinated fashion. The big winners? Well the same ones who sponsor all those Pro china ads on CNN
Oh and also CNN's boss (Zucker) wants to run on the Democrat ticket. That's the media reality in the US. That's why "democracy dies in the dark" as the megabiased WaPo declares as its battle cry. .please. .ffs

Bob Huntley said...

I took strong exception with Anon's rant for sure, that is obvious, but, Michael I have no hatred for the American people as such, but who actually is running the country, certainly not the elected people.

What did you think of Howard Zinn's quote? Do you think he hated the American people?

If I am wrong about something I said or if you have some specific comments about what I posted, please feel free to respond.

Bob Huntley said...


Half of your response confirmed what I said about who runs the country, it is the wealthy and what's more can anyone be sure all of the wealthy running America are even Americans? I doubt it. Heck they may not even be people but corporations.

Bush and Obama carried water for the wealthy. Trump gave buckets of money to the wealthy. What did Trump do that makes you feel he is so great? Trade tariffs? I'll give you that he is moving to pull out troops from Afghanistan and Syria but so far he actually hasn't. Kinda like Obama's bragging to the UN General Assembly that he had given the order to stop torturing and to close GITMO. GITMO is still open and does anyone believe he stopped torturing people? He could have but a more finite level of authority wouldn't let him.

If Trump accomplishes anything it will be only because the wealthy wanted him to do whatever it is for their benefit.