Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The U.S. Air Force's First Woman To Lead The F-16 Viper Demonstration Team Has Been Relieved After 2 Weeks In Charge

Capt. Zoe Kotnik clips on her mask in her F-16 Fighting Falcon prior to a sortie at Eglin AFB, Florida, November 2017. US Air Force/Samuel King Jr.

Business Insider/Military Times: The first woman to lead the Air Force's F-16 Viper demonstration team relieved after 2 weeks in charge

* The first woman to lead the Air Force's F-16 demonstration team has been relieved.
* The Air Force would not specific what caused her removal, which comes two weeks after her appointment.
* An experienced pilot, Capt. Zoe Kotnik's selection was the subject of a high-profile media roll-out.

Capt. Zoe Kotnik, the first female pilot to head the F-16 Viper demonstration team, was relieved of command Monday.

"Col. Derek O'Malley, 20th Fighter Wing commander, relieved Capt. Zoe Kotnik from command Feb. 11 due to a loss of confidence in her ability to lead and command the Air Combat Command F-16 Viper demonstration team," Col. Allen Herritage, director of public affairs at ACC, said in a statement. "The Viper demonstration team is working to minimize impacts on scheduled performances and looks forward to inspiring crowds around the country during the upcoming season as soon as a new commander is selected."

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WNU Editor: No explanation has been given on her dismissal. But being fired after only being on the job for two weeks. Wow! It must have been very serious.


RussInSoCal said...

Lots of self promotion when the Captain Marvel female pilot promos began. But her online shenanigans were no secret back then.

Anonymous said...

The future is female.

The reality of female politicians today:

- Maxine 'Form mobs and intimidate people!' Waters

- Hillary 'end civility until we're back in power!' Clinton

- Donna 'townhall question' election meddler Brazille

- Elizabeth 'liar and minority abuser' Warren

And those are the best the Democrats have to offer.

The best.

Just imagine what the rest is like.

And they are cheering them on. Warren who at the age of 35 or so decided to become a minority, and then get into Harvard with the minority card.. she still polls at 8%. but then again. .at about the same age hillary decided to play the female card and rise to power based on that

Oh the virtues are strong in the female sex. All class acts. All will inspire a next generation of female successes. Onwards! :D

RussInSoCal said...

I actually love strong women. Married one. I think you're going a bit over the deep end there, anon.

The reason why Capt Kotnick was dismissed will eventually be made pub;ic. And it'll be one that we've not thought of.

Anonymous said...

We all love strong people. Women or men. Don't care. BUT this narrative of women being better. Women being the future. Please. After decades of entitlement I think I'm allowed to form an opinion. Especially as the entitlement thinking of the female gender seems to be living on in overdrive. Women are promoted and selected ahead of men by law now. Not because of merit.. because of law. We now live in a society in which white males are being called toxic, but all the evidence points towards women being just as bad, if not worse. Have you not noticed that there seems to be a parallel development here? The more women we have in politics the more lies and scandals there seem to be. Politics has gotten so divisive with people like Maxine Waters and hillary Clinton, and then they have the balls to call themselves "team players" and unifiers haha