Saturday, February 9, 2019

U.S.-Backed Kurds Have Begun Their Final Push To Liberate The Last Pocket Of Territory Controlled By The Islamic State

Al Jazeera: US-backed Kurds launch final push against ISIL in Syria

More than 20,000 civilians were evacuated from ISIL area in eastern province as 'decisive' battle begins.

US-backed and Kurdish-led Syrian forces say they have begun the final push to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group in the last pocket it holds in eastern Syria.

"The SDF have started to launch ... the decisive battle to finish off the remaining ISIL terrorists in the village of Baghouz," Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) spokesman Mustafa Bali said in Arabic on Twitter.

Bali tweeted that the offensive began Saturday after more than 20,000 civilians were evacuated from the ISIL-held area in the eastern province of Deir Az Zor.

Read more ....

WNU editor: According to news reports there is very little fighting in this last enclave. In short .... there will be no last stand in this battle.

More News On U.S.-Backed Kurds Beginning Their Final Push To Liberate The Last Pocket Of Territory Controlled By The Islamic State

U.S.-backed Syrian force launches 'final battle' against Islamic State -- Reuters
US-backed Kurdish fighters begin offensive into last Syrian territory held by ISIS -- CNN
US-backed forces launch 'decisive battle' against last Islamic State enclave in Syria -- ABC News Online
Syrians, Foreigners Flee as Forces Move on IS -- VOA


Anonymous said...

The USA has stood with the Kurds in Iraq since the ghastly attacks by Saddam in 1991. As for now, why would the Kurds keep fighting in Syria if they felt they were being abandoned? They would act differently if they did such as consolidate ground to defensible positions, particularly the oils fields and not keep losing troops.
I hope Trump does pull all ground troops out of Syria, a hostile nation to the USA, but make sure the Kurds are well trained and armed to deter Turkey or Assad from genocidal dreams

Anonymous said...

Is Syria a hostile nation?

Are Assad's elections less fraudulent than those of Maduro's.

Was Hassan al-Nouri a real viable candidate or just window dressing?

What $ of the Syrian people voted?

Was the election of 2014 legit?

Is there a map of where voting booth were?

88% of 10% is a crap stat.