Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Canadian Government Wants To Regulate Facebook And Other Social Media Platforms

Toronto Star: Canadian government says it’s considering regulating Facebook and other social media giants

OTTAWA—The Canadian government is “actively considering” regulating social media giants and believes that self-regulation of the platforms has failed.

Democratic Institutions Minister Karina Gould told the Star and BuzzFeed News that “all options are on the table” when it comes to applying domestic rules to international social media giants like Facebook, Google, Amazon and Twitter.

“We recognize that self-regulation is not yielding the results that societies are expecting these companies to deliver,” Gould said in an interview Monday.

“We are actively talking to partners around the world, we’re actively talking to experts here in Canada as well in terms of what can be done. And I remain open to many different options as to how we can ensure better behaviour.”

Read more ....

Update #1: Social media companies’ policies not meeting Ottawa’s standards: Gould (iPolitics)
Update #2: Canada mulls crackdown on social media firms unless they do more to combat election meddling (Reuters)

WNU Editor: I am sure that the Canadian government is looking very closely at what the U.K. government is doing .... U.K. Plans To Have The 'Toughest Internet Laws In The World' (April 8, 2019). As to what is my take. I always feel very uncomfortable when government decides what will be permissible and what will not, especially with the current government in power in Ottawa. Their own biases and prejudices come into play, and to me it is a given that they will target those that they disagree with, and ignore those that they agree with.

1 comment:

Bob Huntley said...

When I first set up on Facebook twenty years ago, I gave them the absolute minimum information for my profile. I have kids and grand kids and discovered really fast that I didn't want to tune in on my grand kids youngsters 4 and adults 3. I use text and phone to talk with my kids. Thee were a few sites I went on that required you to use anomg others Facebook for log in. On occasion I would use Facebook so my long ins were really rare.

Eventually I guess they wanted more information on me and every second time I'd log into a site using Facebook they blocked me claiming someone had hacked my account and that I should change my password. I went through the steps, and when they confirmed the change they put up a screen on how to avoid being hacked with a suggestion that if I had more information in my profile it would be easier to identify me when it became necessary. They didn't ask me anything during the PW change so I gave them no more information.

I logged in using them again and it was okay but on the second log in, again I got blocked because someone had hacked into my account and I needed to go through the PW change again. Each time they said it was hacked from someone in Montreal. I didn't change the PW this time.

Two weeks later I tried the log in and it worked. It was nothing but a ploy to get more information. I still use FB on occasion and they still play the game.