Time: Jared Kushner: Mueller Investigation 'More Harmful' Than Russia
Jared Kushner downplayed the significance of Russian interference in the 2016 election, dismissing it as a “couple of Facebook ads” in an interview with TIME and arguing that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation was more damaging to democracy than the influence operation itself.
“You look at what Russia did, buying some Facebook ads to try to sow dissent and do it, and it’s a terrible thing,” Kushner said at the TIME 100 Summit in New York City. “But I think the investigations and all of the speculation that’s happened for the last two years has had a much harsher impact on our democracy than a couple of Facebook ads.”
“If you look at the magnitude of what they did, the ensuing investigations have been way more harmful,” he added.
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WNU Editor: According to the Mueller report. The Russians spent about $150,000 in Facebook ads, and leaked to Wikileaks that the Democrat Party had fixed the primary process to stop Senator Bernie Sanders and to help Hillary Clinton. Does that rise to the level on what we have seen and heard in the past two years via through the Mueller Report, with a final conclusion that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. I guess it depends on what political party and/or agenda that you support, but right now the media and the Democrats are screaming fowl against Jared Kushner.
More News On Jared Kushner's Remarks On The Mueller Probe
Kushner says Russia investigations more harmful to US 'than a couple Facebook ads' -- CNN
Jared Kushner says investigations more harmful to democracy than Russian interference -- CBS
Kushner: Mueller probe was 'more harmful' to U.S. than Russian election interference -- Politico
Kushner Says Mueller Probe Damaged U.S. Democracy More Than Russia Did -- Bloomberg
Kushner: Russia investigation had ‘harsher impact’ on US than election meddling -- FOX News
Its pretty obvious that this whole debacle has hurt the US more then the russians ever could hope to achieve.
I can see where Kushner is coming from and I somewhat agree...
Here a few points - let me know what you think:
1. A probe was necessary - we needed as a nation understand what happened.
2. Unfortunately the stank of partisanship is overwhelming.. think of this: Yes the Mueller report "only" cost around 30 million, BUT it dominated news cycles for two(!) years --- this was AFTER(!) the FBI already concluded there was no evidence for collusion. But ok, some things have to be done, but importantly:
3. WHY THE F$CK DID IT TAKE SO LONG? Mueller knew likely already in 2017 that this is BS. He kept it going! He kept it going for two more years, completely crippling this administration
4. The true costs to the US economy by the Mueller report, the dumbening of our society through MSM (just look at Fred, ffs, I tried to talk sense to this guy for two years - he was ready to form a lynch mob, believed it all - he believed everything they told him - no brain activity whatsoever.. and he made it worse - he and the rest of the leftist/Democrat idiots AMPLIFIED the damage the Mueller report and Team Clinton did to the US. They kept it going together. While I don't want to see idiots like Fred in jail, he doesn't even apologize for what he did, what he said, what he wrote on HUNDREDS(!) of occasions on this blog. His spewing of hatred against our president went unchecked -- ALL of them went unchecked! It is time to turn the shaming around. We are not the deplorable. YOU IDIOTS ARE!! Time for you to man up and stop this idiocy! The cost to our economy most be in the billions - just think of the China trade deal, which the Chinese kept delaying because they too thought perhaps Trump will be out of office.. this was extremely (and still is) costly to our nation.. every year hundreds of billions FFS! I blame idiots like Fred who just kept repeating and repeating these narratives. Fred alone posted thousands(!) of links -- all disproved now - to falsehoods. He talked everyone into this sing-sang of stupidity.. gahh I hate stupid people
5. A nation is only as trong as its weakest links. See Fred. haha ok I'll stop - but all of you who saw him in action (and read his stupid, stupid, moronic MSM lies), know what he did. Even if Fred Lapides now deleted many of his original posts, I won't let him get away that easy - no apology still after months of it being obvious what happened even to braindead zombies
6. We need to investigate team Hillary, Obama, Clapper, Comey, Struck, Steele etc.. all these liars cannot get away. Not this time. Not again (Clinton).
We as a nation cannot heal until we know what happend, how much was faked and fabricated by Clinton and her CNN/MSNBC buddies. Zucker (head of CNN) also must be investigated. CNN must be investigated - as I have said for more than a year now - in their role of pushing Chinese and Russian interests (remember when the Wapo journalist got murdered? CNN told us all to tell Trump to drop the USD100bn(!!) arms deal - something only Russia and China could then fulfill. It is unbelievable what is happening.
THIS is the biggest national policy scandal- far greater than watergate in terms of corruption and cost to us as a nation, and Hillary is very silent all of a sudden. Remember when she said "civility can only be restored when we are back in power"? There was a reason for that - she absolutely must hope for Democrats to get back in power and stop us investigating what happened.
ah, Fred?
ok. The dumb remark by Trumpian is truly foolish. Russian interference (it is real and proven) is less harmful than an American investigation, given by a GOP to look into matters...and yes, Mueller got back more money than it cost and yes, GOP went after Hillary for TWO YEARS and came up with nothing...that brat thinks a foreign adversary sneaking into our elections is not as bad as investigating such matters? Only a fool would say that...and yes, the fools who swallow such shit here.
I have to love anon with his number t: investigate all those who are not in the GOP. tip: Hillary investigated for two years by gop already...try doing some reading of the news. Now if you badmouth me after my comment, I will dump a real pile of stuff at this site, stuff about ...orange baboon
Fred, you do what you must.
Just know this: When the day comes (I have been there too, I know what it's like) and you think back to what you did in your life, pray for forgiveness.
Fred, you're a brainwashed fool but I'll give you the opportunity to free your mind and discover that the biggest in recent history is the alleged Russian interference in the US election.
Why is Trump raging again? Because Don McGahn will further expose his corruption.
Source: After Mueller report, Twitter bots pushed 'Russiagate hoax' narrative
Source: What you missed in the Mueller report - POLITICO
Why is Trump raging again? Because Don McGahn will further expose his corruption.
Source: Trump's empty schedule directly correlates to his 24-hour tweet storm
Trump’s washing machine tariffs cost U.S. consumers $815,000 for every job created
How do we even know Fred is not a Russian troll? For all we know he is. HE is the single person on this blog who kept this Russia hoax going. He posted THOUSANDS(!) of links perpetuating this lie. I don' trust him. No one can be that stupid, that long. He claims to be an English teacher. Yet he makes more spelling mistakes than I do - and English is my third language. Who is this guy? Why is he so dumb? Why does he keep up this lie of the Democrats?
why do you jerk off online, girly boy?
I think we should report Fred - and his smut website - to an oversight authority. Bet you he is a Russian troll. No one can be that dumb and morally corrupt.
Different Anon here
The Democrats are definitely worse. The Russians are clearly an adversary.
The Democrats area hidden adversary. Many of them have worked with the Russians in the past and may still be working with the Russians knowingly are unknowingly.
The overwhlemiong stench of the Democrats working with the Russians is so bad that the CIA refuses to release the Mitrokhin files.
- We know senior level democrats like Edward Kennedy, "The Lion of the Senate" (& serial sexual assualter of women), and another senator colluded with the Russians.
- Lurch "Can I buy me a hunting License" colluded with the russians. Lurch might have an out, when he marched with the Soviet inspired and supported Nuclear Freeze movement. He might be able to plead diminished capacity.
- The Vietnam War Protest organizers s and the Port Huron signatories were at best fellow travelrs and at worst Russian collaborators.
The Stench from the Left is overwhelming.
"GOP went after Hillary for TWO YEARS and came up with nothing"
No, two corrupt Obama AGs refused to proescute.
When you use bleachbit to wupe harddrives and when you take hammers to hardrives and Blackberries, it is very clearly obstrucution of justice.
To defend the obviously guilty Hillary, I think that the real Fred must be in a nursing home and someone has taken his online identity over.
Or he is a partisan hack with no morals except bad ones.
PS If anyone but hillary had taken hammers to electronuics to smash themn instead of turning them over to the FBI, they would be in jail.
I don't think hillary will get out of this mess. Trump hopefully won't let her.
They complain when we wanted Bengazi investigated. Americans died in that incident you morons! No one died during her power grab - thankfully - in which she, together with the media, who told us ahead of the election that there would be no path to victory for Trump (on hundreds of occasions on cnn/msnbc/wapo/nyt), tried to smear DJT ..she tried to make him look like a traitor (you can get death penalty for treasing. ..she was OK with doing that to another human. .to another American. .think of that. .how morally corrupt can someone be? ... I want to see her in jail - only if she's guilty of course - that's always implied when a republican says that. Just believing isn't enough to us, so she really needs to be investigated properly this time. Not by an fbi that rules her innocent before an investigation started(!) and offers everyone involved the 5th. No more.
She must know it's coming too. I can smell her fear behind her fake laughter and scripted platitudes. She even told us that civility won't be restored until they (she) is back in power. Think of that. I'm so glad history won't remember her for anything else than riding the coat tail of her husband and running the most divisive, sexist ,corrupt and criminal campaign in modern US history.
Only cherry on top would be if I get to see her being frog marched into court. She is that bad, I don't wish it on many people but she is the exact reason why the Democrat party is now in the state it is. Corrupt, race and sexist card playing, partisan, divisive hacks.
America is a shit hole, happy seeing it rot
I'm a Canadian so save the Russia jokes
Antitroll must live in Regina. (It rhymes with...)
Source: READ
No,Fred. Stfu, thaaanks
Who could have been swayed by the Russians?
Weak minded people. As soon as the primaries were over, I knew who I was going to vote for and nothing was going to sway me.
Parties have platforms (policy positions) and track records. That is all about you need to know. So on any given day the vote shudl already be decided.
Everyhting else is bovine excrement.
I agree with Anon 2:09.
Last anon is pretty much spot on.
And Fred, (I have never seen you as a bad person) no one ever will click on your dubious links you set here. The more you "girly boy" on this blog I start to believe the anon who raised the question about you being a troll. Or just a sad person.
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