Sunday, April 21, 2019

President Trump's Cuba Sanctions Will Hurt Havana

Cuba's President Miguel Diaz-Canel, left, shakes hands with Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro last December. Cuba and Venezuela have deep ties, which leaves Canada in a difficult situation. (Ernesto Mastrascusa/Reuters)

Ana Quintana, National Interest: Trump’s Cuba Sanctions Will Punish Maduro’s Enablers in Havana

In exchange for subsidized Venezuelan oil and preferential loans, Cuba has exported its police state to Venezuela. Now Havana must pay for its allegiances.

National Security Advisor John Bolton recently announced new policies aimed to hasten the restoration of democracy in Venezuela. One of the initiatives is to fully implement Title 3 of the United States’ trade embargo against Cuba.

Title 3 has been on the books for more than twenty years, yet this will be the first time it will be fully implemented. What that means is that U.S. citizens will now be allowed to sue foreign companies trafficking in stolen property in Cuba. The move is meant to help increase pressure on the Cuban regime and their allies in Venezuela.

President Bill Clinton signed the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act into law in 1996. But his and subsequent administrations have consistently issued waivers bypassing full enforcement of the law. This allowed the Cuban regime and foreign companies doing business with them to profit off property seized from Americans without compensation. The waivers have helped line the pockets of the Castros and their cronies for decades.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is going to hurt Cuba .... U.S. Citizens Will Now Be Allowed To Sue Companies Doing Business In Cuba (April 16, 2019).


Anonymous said...

If we've learned anything it's that sanctions always cause regime change. All neocons know and believe this.

And when have they ever been wrong?

Bob Huntley said...

Eventually all the countries under sanction will band together for their own common good.

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