Sunday, April 21, 2019

The British Army Is Going To Cut Its Tank Force Even More

David Axe, National Interest: British Army Is Planning to Upgrade Just 148 of Its 227 Challenger 2 Tanks

A problem?

The British Army is planning to upgrade just 148 of its 227 Challenger 2 tanks, according to The Times.

The proposed cut to the armored force -- the British Army’s second major reduction in tanks since 2010 -- would make the U.K. ground-combat branch the 56th biggest tank-operator, The Times estimated.

Cutting tanks could jeopardize London’s plan to revamp its armed forces for high-tech combat with a major world power such as Russia.

As recently as 2010 the British Army possessed 316 of the 408 Challenger 2 tanks it originally acquired starting in the late 1990s.

Deep cuts across the U.K. armed forces in 2010 eliminated not only 89 tanks, but also two aircraft carriers, two amphibious ships, four frigates, an army brigade, a third of the army’s artillery and all of the air force's Harrier jump jets and maritime patrol planes. Uniformed manpower dropped by 30,000.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The diminishing of the British military continues.


Anonymous said...

Just seems like it's a long shot that the British will ever need large numbers of tanks. Maybe they have better programs to spend the money on. Things that they're more likely to actually utilize like missiles, drones, or of course naval assets.

Jac said...

Well, next step is white flags.

Roger Smith said...

After noting the figures, I'd say Britain has a gutted military. Then the question becomes where did all the money go if no longer to the defense of England and the free world?

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