Monday, April 22, 2019

What Are America's Intelligence Agencies Really Doing?

WNU Editor: Good point!


Jac said...

Most of this money is bureaucracy work.

Anonymous said...

WNU, maybe we should pay them more yet? ;)

fred said...

If you do not know what is being done, how the money is being spent, how many people are involved, then why WHAT THE HELL etc...that title suggests the writer knows what is going on, what is wrong, how the money is mispent and yet no evidence presented. There is, after all, oversight. And--Trump both badmouths our intelligence but seemingly allows this "terrible:" stuff to continue.

Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

" Overall, we rate the Free Thought Project a Strong Conspiracy website and Low for factual reporting due to a very poor fact check record."

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

So far it seems that all these guys

1. Didn't see 9/11 coming
2. Misled us on WMD in Iraq, killing tens of thousands incl thousands of US soldiers
3. Didn't see the rise of China
4. Tried to unseat a democratically elected president
5. Didn't protect JFK, which led to his assassination
6. Didn't see Putin's invasion of Ukraine nor Georgia coming

I fully agree.

The US intelligence is in a terrible terrible shape. Has been for decades. Look at who is sometimes leading. .Clapper..he's borderline retarded..not trying to be mean but if that's the best we can do then omfg

Anonymous said...

anon, the dope
did not see China rising? you are kidding. Even I noted this and I am not in intel make up shit
Iraq? Bush invaded and used an excuse...
9/11 FBI aware and various intel outfits did not coordinate and that is why Homeland formed.
now, nonsense man, if you want to see what has been done, READ THIS AND SEE HOW MANY TERROR ATTACKS PREVENTED BY OUR INTEL
and if you think intel stinks, what do you propose to replace it with: talk and talk and some typing of snark!

Anonymous said...

The sole anon post:

"WNU, maybe we should pay them more yet? ;) "

This post by Fred or someone channeling Fred:
"anon, the dope"

Deuteronomy 19:16-21

Bob Huntley said...

Deuteronomy 10:16-21

Only applies to Israelites, part of the old testament that Christ through out.

When the servants of the people, in this case the intelligence people, fail to do their jobs they should be fired. The problem of course is that these intelligence people are not stupid and if they get fired they have the dope on just about everyone and will spill the beans so they are kept on and a new entity that will actually do the job is created. That is why Clapper was not tired for lying to Congress, nor fired. It is obvious that there will be another intelligence group created in maybe 10 years but hey the people can and will pay.

If they knew about say 911, that they did nothing suggests something that came out in an interview with a a US soldier taking part in an early morning raid on an Afghan mini village, as in, two dilapidated houses a barn and couple of outhouses.

They rousted all the sleeping people out of the buildings for questioning. The building were searched and nothing suspicious was found. Before they left they killed the few goats and chickens the people had.

The reporter that was with them asked why, if there was nothing suspicious they would killed off the "livestock"?

The answer was, "Job security man."

Same kind of thing motivates the intelligence community.