Saturday, April 13, 2019

U.S. President Trump And North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Are Both Open To Having A Thrid Summit

ABC News: President Trump and North Korea's Kim Jong Un willing to meet for third summit

Kim announced Saturday he would be open to meeting with President Trump again.

President Donald Trump tweeted on Saturday that he is open to a third summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, citing their “excellent” personal relationship and understanding of “where we each stand.”

“I agree with Kim Jong Un of North Korea that our personal relationship remains very good, perhaps the term excellent would be even more accurate, and that a third Summit would be good in that we fully understand where we each stand,” Trump tweeted before heading to Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia, for the day.

“North Korea has tremendous potential for… extraordinary growth, economic success and riches under the leadership of Chairman Kim,” Trump added. "I look forward to the day, which could be soon, when Nuclear Weapons and Sanctions can be removed, and then watching North Korea become one of the most successful nations of the World!”

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WNU Editor: No one said this was going to be easy. On a positive note. Both leaders remain optimistic, and they are still continuing to look for common ground. My prediction is that another summit will happen, and it will be in the fall.

More News On The Possibility Of Another Trump - Kim Summit

Trump, North Korea's Kim Jong Un open to another nuclear summit -- NBC/AP
President Trump Suggests Third Summit With Kim Jong Un Saying Relations Remain 'Very Good' -- Times/Bloomberg
Trump says he and Kim Jong Un agree that third summit would be “good” -- NK News
Kim Jong Un says he’s willing to have third summit with Trump -- Global News/AP
North Korea willing to take part in talks if US has 'right attitude' -- BBC
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un open to fresh talks with Donald Trump if US has 'right attitude' -- ABC News Online
Kim Jong-un sets conditions after Trump suggests third summit -- Guardian/Reuters
Kim says US must stop 'current way of calculation' to continue nuke talks -- CNN


Bob Huntley said...

DJT is being set up for another disappointment. He wants Korea to give up its nukes and the world and Kim know it would be stupid to give the nukes up.

RussInSoCal said...

No missiles, no shelling and much less overall belligerence since October 2017. That in itself is a success.

fazman said...

What a waste of time, it has achieved nothing but buy Kim time. Does anyone seriously beleive he has stopped work on his nukes.

Anonymous said...


He has not stopped work. He might have for am month ... maybe.

But given him time? The sanction are still on.

The sanction are still on Venezuela and North Korea and we will see if China and Russia can float both or has to prioritize.

Mike Feldhake said...

This is how negotiations go. We ARE in a much better spot with NK then before. I.e. We have not given him things (food and cash) with the assumption he would act in good faith.

Bob Huntley said...


When Trump met Kim face to face he gave him and NK international status. That alone was a huge gain for Kim, but Trump got absolutely nothing in return because he demand everything. He failed miserably. If he goes to the next meeting empty handed but for demands again he will reap failure. There is no way NK will give up the nukes, that they most likely believe held the US off, and that unfortunately for Trump that is the only measure of success.

Cash no, but if Trump had given even a little bit of, say food, it would have accomplished something. He missed the opportunity boat again when China stopped buying the soy beans he could have sent over tons of the stuff that just going to rot.

Anonymous said...

North Korea already had international status

They are member of the UN.

They are recognized by world powers like China and Russia. They trade with several countries. So they were already recognized.

Bob, I see the rotting soybeans outside my window everyday. They smell is really, really bad. I would see the trotting soybeans today, but it snowed on April the 14th. So much for global warming. Been waiting 30 years and still snows in April.

A few soybeans rot. It'll hurt some. It will hurt in China when their food prices go up. When China plays hard ball and the US plays hardball China gets hurt too. Brasil is a longer way to ship.

What kept The US out of North Korea, was an armistice, US domestic politics, Russia and China. The US was out of North Korea for almost 50 years before North Korea had nukes. So much for the theories of an anti-western complainer.

Anonymous said...

I don;t think Kim is an honest broker.. he let the second one fail on purpose, then blamed - as always - internal people, had them fired (perhaps also fired upon) and will try to delay further in the third meeting, maybe give up another test site.. meanwhile they have now more than 60 nukes and likely will dig in more.

North Korea will only change once China tells it to take its finger of the nuclear trigger, with its cross-hairs aiming at the US.

That's what it feels like, at least.. not sure where you stand, but everything from the rocket fuel, to the mobile missile launchers, was provided by the Chinese - despite sanctions. They helped arm North Korea, they helped them get around many other sanctions.. come on..