Monday, May 13, 2019

Canada Will Need U.S. Certification When It Purchases Its Next Jet Fighter

Whatever aircraft replaces Canada’s aging CF-18s will need to be able to tap into the U.S.’s most secure intelligence network to help protect North America through NORAD. (Andrew Vaughan / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

TriCity News/Canadian Press: New Canadian fighter jets will need U.S. certification: DND

OTTAWA — American officials will need to certify the fighter jet Canada buys at the end of a multibillion-dollar procurement that's started and stopped and started again for more than a decade, ensuring that it's fit to plug into the U.S.'s highest-security intelligence systems.

But, says the Department of National Defence's top procurement official, they will not get to decide which plane replaces Canadian military's aging CF-18s.

"Ultimately when we select, when we are into the detailed design, at some point, yes, the U.S. will have a role to play in ultimate certification," Patrick Finn, the Defence Department's assistant deputy minister of materiel, told The Canadian Press.

"But the Americans won't be sitting with us with the evaluation and doing that type of work. It will be us."

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WNU Editor: This is what happens when you are heavily dependent on another country for your national defence.


Anonymous said...

A bigger problem for Canada is what happens to their industry if they don't buy F-35's. They will be tossed from the consortium building that jet and that's many billions of dollars lost to Canada since F-35 production is very early in its life.
The F-35 rule book is buy the jet, compete on contracts. Don't buy the jet and you're not allowed to bid.
Then Canada has to ponder lost sales if it's not buying F-35's. This would be add-ons to the F-35 just as missiles, bombs, decoys. Canada buying Euro fighter for instance means they can't compete for any F-35 add-on business. Over the next 30 years the F-35 will be the most numerous western type in the air and Canada would get none of that business.

Bob Huntley said...

There are costs when you get into business with the US.

Bob Huntley said...

One more thing Anon.

In the event of a direct war breaking out between the US and Russia/China the US will send F35s free of charge to Canada. Not that in such a war the F35 will have any use. That is why they pick innocent nations with unrest, sometimes creating that unrest against their governments rather than going physically against the big guys. They know that will result in a nuclear holocaust.

Remember the Germans and Moscow. The Russians threw everything they had at the Germans. Do you think that if the Russians had had a nuclear weapon they wouldn't have thrown that too?

The physiological war games going on now will ultimately lead to that eventuality.

Anonymous said...

Yes Bob. I trust blindly what a guy named Bob has to say. Such an American, credible name. Huntley even. Wow such patriotic hobby.

You're as legit as Com. Radistan Vodkavic in Baltic countries :-))

But to your point, BOB, I think you suggest the west doesn't work together. Right, BOB? And the west shouldn't have arms or train to defend itself.

Because BOB HUNTLEY suggested that training and preparing against Russia is like giving up on life. In the end it's holocaust. Got it.

Smart. So smart. We can all learn from Bob's genius

Bob Huntley said...


In case you missed it when/if you went to school, and in that respect I can well imagine, for obvious reasons, the education system in the US is somewhat lacking in detail, of the two nations, the United States of America and Russia, only the former has ever even attempted to invade Canada, and lost.

Russia is not the internationally imperialistic, war mongering nation the US would like people to think it is, whereas, the USA is and always has been.