Sunday, May 19, 2019

Criminal Gangs Are Now Taking Control Of Venezuela

A Russian-made Sukhoi Su-30MKV fighter jet from the Venezuelan air force flies over a Venezuelan flag tied to missile launchers, during the Escudo Soberano 2015 (Sovereign Shield 2015) military exercise in San Carlos del Meta in the state of Apure, April 15, 2015. REUTERS/Marco Bello

Venezuela Investigative Unit, InSight Crime: An unprecedented attack that killed a general is an ominous sign of growing criminal power in Venezuela

* A Venezuelan air force general and five other security officers were killed in an ambush during a patrol in northern Venezuela in early May.
* The attack is believed to have been carried out by a "mega-gang," and while the motive is not clear the killings point to the growing power and impunity these criminal groups have in the country.

The recent murders of an air force general and five other security officials in Venezuela, believed to have been carried out by a mega-gang, confirms the growing impunity these criminal groups enjoy and the control they exercise in a key central state.

Early on May 4, an army and police patrol was ambushed in a mountainous area of the northern state of Aragua. Three soldiers and two police officers were killed, alongside Air Force Brigadier General Alexis Silva Zapata, reported El Pitazo.

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WNU Editor: This is what a failed state looks like, and Venezuela is rapidly getting there.


Anonymous said...

Management by walking around is good.

Seeing the situation for yourself is good. It cuts down on the toadies.

Still what is an air force general doing on patrol?

Maybe he wasn't on patrol. Hugo Chavez and various generals were accused or involved-in running drugs to the US. If times have not changed in that regard, maybe this was a business dispute that went kinetic.

The way the gangs sees it shooting a general is no biggie. They know, who the players are, their strengths and the government has no moral authority, since the government has been in bed with them for 2 decades. Maybe we are close to 476 and a gang leader sends Poot Poot (Rome 3) the regalia like it was sent back to Roma Secunda.

Will Poot Poot send a fleet across the Med like in days gone by only to see it break up in a storm or be defeated by bandits?

Anonymous said...

The term Cartel of the Suns (Spanish: Cartel de los Soles) describes a Venezuelan organization allegedly headed by high-ranking members of the Armed Forces of Venezuela who are involved in international drug trade.[1] According to Héctor Landaeta, journalist and author of Chavismo, Narco-trafficking and the Military, the phenomenon began when Colombian drugs began to enter into Venezuela from corrupt border units and the "rot moved its way up the ranks".

Left-Liberals piously tell us that the War on Drugs is lost as they take another hit.

If so, can Putin win the War on Drugs or will they cut him in for a piece of the action?

Anonymous said...

anon: not sure what you are talking about. But Trump called for change of leadership... Another failure on his part

Anonymous said...

Viva Socialism!!

Anonymous said...

"anon: not sure what you are talking about."

Of course you don't. You are the village idiot.

They say that when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Trump has a tool kit and it contains more than just a hammer. He has not pulled the hammer out of the tool kit yet. He has another tool called sanctions and the done cut oil exports in 1/2.

Also this is not Harry Potter, You just don't wave a wand and stuff happens miracleously. This is not Hollywood. IT will take some time or less, a few days, if the US military gets involved.

Go have yourself a cold one, or five. It couldn't hurt your IQ and might improve it.

Roger Smith said...

I don't understand why a general and 5 other lower grade personnel were out nosing around.