Friday, May 17, 2019

Does Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller Want To Testify?

CNBC: Robert Mueller will decide if he wants to testify to Congress, Attorney General William Barr says

* Robert Mueller will decide whether he will testify to Congress, Attorney General William Barr says.
* “It’s Bob’s call whether he wants to testify,” Barr tells The Wall Street Journal.
* Barr’s remarks come after President Trump said it would be up to Barr whether Mueller would testify. Previously, the president had said Mueller shouldn’t testify.

Robert Mueller will decide whether he will testify to Congress, Attorney General William Barr told The Wall Street Journal. President Donald Trump had earlier said that it would be up to Barr to decide whether Mueller would testify.

“It’s Bob’s call whether he wants to testify,” Barr said, the Journal reported early Thursday.

His comment comes as House Democrats escalate their fight with the Justice Department over the unredacted version of the special counsel’s report on Russian election interference and potential obstruction of justice by Trump.

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WNU Editor: I am beginning to wonder if Robert Mueller even wants to testify .... especially in the current Washington environment. My guess is that he has nothing to offer, because if he did he would have testified a long time ago.


Roger Smith said...

I have never seen such a bunch of semantic hairsplitters. And so many on the taxpayers' dime.

Anonymous said...

My guess is Republicans want him to testify and Democrats do not. So I think he will not testify.

Anonymous said...

The Dems do want him to testify if for no other reason than that they claim Barr did not honestly summarize what was done by Mueller
Your bias makes you seem very silly

Anonymous said...

He's not going to want anything to do with testifying before congress, too many unanswered questions that he's not going to want to answer.

Anonymous said...


The Meuller Report shows what?

What is the name of the prostitutes who peed on the bed? Do they exist?

Cohen is going to jail and bitching up a storm. You know he does not want top go to jail, so why is he not talking about the supersecret meeting in Czechoslovakia that the Democrats dreamed up?

Starting in fall and into the last year of campaign, a lot of Democrats and apparatchiks will be indicted.

Anonymous said...

more horseshit from those who do not know but prefer to dribble dumb statements. The Answer: we do not know what he will do till he does what he will do. Till such time, keep playing selfies

Anonymous said...

Brilliant squirrel.

Anonymous said...

We need Meuller to testify, because we do not know, if the prostitutes dribbled or squirted.

Maybe he could subpeona the hotel cleaning staff and ask them how they got the pee stains out?

Maybe some left-liberal can give us his or her home remedy for getting urine stains out of sheets?

Dumb comment?

You started it with the Steele Dossier. It started with the assertion of peeing blaring form headlines for 3 months until the Dims got their investigation. After the investigation got started the Dims dropped the whole sensational peeing angle.

Maybe when Meuller further investigates the peeing, he could march right up to the front door of the FSB and ask them about the peeing. You know cut out the middle man, Christopher Steele. Then he could right another 480 pages