Friday, May 17, 2019

U.S. Attorney General Barr Vows To Uncover 'Exactly What Happened' With Russia Probe

FOX News: Bill Barr vows to uncover 'exactly what happened' with Russia probe, says explanations have been 'inadequate'

Attorney General Bill Barr, in an exclusive interview with Fox News, said the country must know “exactly what happened” with counterintelligence activities conducted during the 2016 election -- and he is determined to get to the bottom of the case.

In his first interview since becoming attorney general, Barr spoke to “America’s Newsroom” host Bill Hemmer during a visit to El Salvador for meetings with law enforcement officials. In pointed terms, he fired back at Democrats who have castigated him over his handling of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report -- calling Speaker Nancy Pelosi's charge that he lied to Congress "laughable" and dismissing an attempt to hold him in contempt of Congress.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Attorney General is saying that the answers that he has been given have been "inadequate and not hanging together", and that he is determined to know “exactly what happened” with counterintelligence activities conducted during the 2016 election. If the reaction within the main stream media is any indication, the Attorney General is making a lot of people nervous.

More News On U.S. Attorney General Barr Vowing To Uncover 'Exactly What Happened' With Russia Probe

Barr: U.S. must know whether top officials 'put their thumb on the scale' during Russia probe -- NBC
Attorney General William Barr doubles down on spying claims, questions origins of Russia probe -- CBS
Barr considering possible rule changes at DOJ in wake of Russia investigation: report -- The Hill
Barr forcefully defends DOJ probe into origin of the Russia investigation -- Politico
Barr says review of Russia investigation origins could lead to FBI rule changes -- CNN


Mike Feldhake said...

Love it!!

Anonymous said...

High crimes were committed by top people all over the Obama administration. Common sense is clear about that statement.
Proving it will be a tough task if Trump doesn't get a second term. So the Dems mania about obstructing the Barr investigation with all sorts of threats of whatever they can throw. A through investigation would have to aim to go all the way to the White House, the top two or three layers at DOJ, State, CIA, NSA that we know today. Obviously the more crime is uncovered the wider it could spread into other departments.

Anonymous said...

"Inadequate"=not what I want to turn over to my client, Pres. Trump

Anonymous said...

When this is all over, we hope to see the Muslim former president and enemy of the US people in chains where he belongs

Anonymous said...

Anon: that you call the former president a Muslim is a clear demonstration of how fully ignorant you are

The Michael Flynn Tape May Have Just Changed the Landscape of the Investigation Into Trump

Anonymous said...


Panting MuthaPhucka said...

Source: Mueller investigation triple probe is political theater for Trump 2020
---Source: Trump might reportedly skip his Ireland trip because its prime minister won't meet at his golf course
---Source: Fox News’ Chris Wallace: Bill Barr ‘Clearly Is Protecting’ Trump
---Source: Appeals court rules Trump end of DACA was unlawful | TheHill
---Source: Bankrupt Coal Company Funded Climate Change Denialism

Mr Panting said...

The NY Times had a big article on Trump taxes. What does article really mean? Have the time, then here is what EXPERTS SAY ABOUT IT

Anonymous said...

Hyperlink after hyperlink, day after day, week after week, year after year, and still nothing...keep digging you'll find it one of these days.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

anon: read the links...then tell me nothing there.

Anons Anonymous said...

Former CIA Officer Sentenced to Prison for Espionage

Anonymous said...

Still looking for that nut squirrel?

Anonymous said...

I no longer see them as links, just spam. Live and learn as they say...

Anonymous said...

"The Michael Flynn Tape May Have Just Changed the Landscape of the Investigation Into Trump"

So read read the enemedia and it tells me tells me that Flynn told a Russian ambassador in December 2016 to not get too rile up about Obama's new sanctions that he slapped on as the door was hitting him on the butt as he walked out of office.

That is the big scoop and the a-holes prosecuted him?

Anonymous said...

Enemy of the State (movie)

We've also come to realize...

that we need to monitor the people who are monitoring them.

Carla Dean: "Well, who's going to monitor the monitors of the monitors?"

Apparently, the Democrats have sinned and do not want people to monitor them.