Friday, May 17, 2019

Former FBI-Director Comey Admitted He Voted Communist In The 1970s

Zero Hedge: Both Comey And Brennan Voted Communist While Cold War Was Raging

The heads of Obama's FBI and CIA both voted for Communists during the Cold War, yet were somehow able to move up the ranks within the same US intelligence community that had spent decades fighting that very ideology.

Journalist Paul Sperry noted on Wednesday that former FBI Director James Comey admitted in a 2003 interview to having voted Communist before casting his ballot for Jimmy Carter in 1980.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It is interesting that this 6-year old story is being publicized now. Does it have something to do with this .... A Dispute Among Former FBI-CIA Officials Erupts On Who Pushed The Steele Dossier (May 16, 2019).


RussInSoCal said...

Out come the long knives. Delicious.

Anonymous said...

voted for legally recognized party in the U.S.?

Anonymous said...

The Nazi party was also at one time a " legally recognized party in the U.S.".

Anonymous said...

and our national hero, Lindberg was a nazi point here anon.
either it is legal or it is not

Comey: “In college, I was left of center, and through a gradual process I found myself more comfortable with a lot of the ideas and approaches the Republicans were using.” He voted for Carter in 1980, but in ’84, “I voted for Reagan—I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now. I’m not even sure how to characterize myself politically. Maybe at some point, I’ll have to figure it out.”

Anonymous said...

"either it is legal or not, voted for a legally recognized party in the U.S." both your statements and that is the point.

RussInSoCal said...

Sorry, but Comey is pathological. And a narcissist. Everything he says (tweets) is sanctimonious garbage. Interviews on The View, town-halls on CNN. Already attacked Rosenstein who is biting back. A spat with Brennan. Now it comes out he voted for a communist.

/Comey has the right to remain silent. He should use it.



Anonymous said...

Comey whatever you're now is a convict just don't know yet

Anonymous said...

He might be something else

Anonymous said...

You are hoping!

Anonymous said...

"Alt right" is a term invented by frustrated lift-liberals, who are angry they have not gotten their way yet.

It is no different than gays watching church attendance go down of the past 2 decades with the expectation that once it goes below a certain point, that people will accept sodomy as something good.

When the polls showed no such things they threw around the term "Cultural Christian" like a pejorative to express they amazement and disgust that the polls were not going their way.

Diseased minds think alike.