Sunday, May 12, 2019

Why Are Democrats Refusing To Look At The Unredacted Mueller Report?

Zero Hedge: Why Hasn't A Single Democrat Looked At The 99.9% Unredacted Mueller Report Provided To Congress?

If there's one thing that suggests Congressional Democrats are not acting in good faith amid their new obstruction crusade, it's this;

House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler (D-NY) held Attorney General William Barr in contempt on Wednesday for failing to turn over the full Mueller report and its underlying evidence - yet not a single Democrat in Congress has elected to look at the 99.9% unredacted 'volume 2' section of the Mueller's findings provided to Congress by the DOJ, which specifically covers the obstruction portion of Mueller's investigation (Section "A" of the report covering alleged conspiracy with Russia was offered 98.5% unredacted).

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This has been politics since Day One. And aside from some Grand Jury testimony, a growing realization that there is probably nothing in the unredacted Mueller Report that will bolster the Democrat case against the President. So what is next? The Democrats are hoping that something new will come out of this .... Channeling maybe-yes, maybe-no Mueller: Speak, Bob, Speak! (AP).


Anonymous said...

I would like to see the Democrats step in it. Nay, I want to see them jump on a flaming bag of ____!

I wanna see them break Grand Jury confidentiality and get sued and prosecuted.

But the press will go 1st and they cannot be prosecuted from suing the stolen goods for a news story. Anyone else would.

The Democrat strategy is to make noise on this or that every day of the week, week after week, year after year until they have a lock on DC or public opinion polls are low enough that they can get a prosecution since momo is on their side. Base not on the law mind you but on momo, and that is where the presstitutes come in.

I used to think Renaissance Italy was the nadir of honesty, good governance and a moral society, but no longer. The Borgias can't hold a candle to Mueller, Comey and the other rats.

RussInSoCal said...

Personally I would dearly love to see Mueller sat down to receive a proper grilling from both sides.

Petulant discontent from the likes of Nadler, Lee and Lieu. Probing process questions from Collins and Jordon.

He and his team of Hillary backers have spent $25M, two and a half years and destroyed several people who otherwise would have been let alone over a false accusation of "Russian Collusion".

Unelected and about as unaccountable as one can get, he was granted ALL ACCESS to any documents he requested. Trump never once during this investigation asserted executive privilege.

Mueller came up with squat. But happily planted seeds of "Obstruction" into the brains of Democrat congress critters in his 2-part hate screed of President Trump.

It might be actually be better to wait until a certain report is submitted from the office of the inspector general. Rumors have it that it may dampen impeachment plans.

/maybe we should wait for the Mueller testimony until say, late October...



Anonymous said...

Did the check from Mexico for the wall clear yet?

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, the Democrats are bringing it when they come to read the "Mueller Report".

Anonymous said...

The check.

It is like welfare. If someone is no longer on welfare, but working, that is like money in your pocket. They are no longer a drag.

If America does not act like a pressure rel;if valve for countries south of the border, TPTB there will have to provide jobs etc or lose their heads. But Democrats don't see or don't care, because they are poverty pimps.

Anonymous said...

Connecting the dots from The Wall to welfare to poverty loving democrats.

The Wall will pay for itself. Fascinating. You got this all figured out.