Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Fossil Fuels Will Be With Us For A Long Time

Peter Tertzakian, Financial Post: The world is not spending enough money to put fossil fuel out of business — and it probably never will

It’s time to close the spreadsheets and think differently about the world of energy.

A couple of weeks ago, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released their 176-page report titled, World Energy Investment 2019. I will spare you the read and take you to a quote, buried on page 30 that pretty much sums up what most analysts in the business already know: “Energy investment is misaligned with where the world appears to be heading…”

Energy investment is misaligned with where the world appears to be heading

The gap between what we perceive, what we aspire to, and what is reality is already wider than the Pacific Ocean. And it’s getting wider. I look at all the numbers, read all the reports — including the IEA’s most recent — and the reality is clear: Investment into renewables has plateaued at best; energy efficiency is treading water; and the proportion of primary energy sources in the world mix — coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear power, hydro and renewables — is barely changing.

Despite all the fire alarms to decarbonize and use less energy, investment dollars into these objectives hasn’t budged much in a decade.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Bottom line. World demand for energy will continue to rise in the coming decades, and fossil fuels will be an integral part of it .... climate change or not.


Anonymous said...

A breakthrough with fusion is the only escape from the carbon treadmill. Solar PV, wind, geothermal, and tidal sources are still great solutions to a lot of problems, but I think the realization I'm coming to is that with the time we're told we have, and the energy needs that won't abate, a hope for the impossible is all we've got.

Bob Huntley said...


fred said...

Mort Sahl put out a comic album he titled THE FUTURE LIES AHEAD
There may not be much of a future in the future
there is sufficient warnings, science, data to show what is going on.
There is insufficient will, imagination, effort to do anything substantial about it.

Carl said...

It's a huge fraud! The climate's been changing for 5 billion years and the industrial age only began a couple of hundred years ago. The geological record shows that there have been climate changes much more extreme and violent than what's being predicted by those who are telling us the sky is falling. What's behind this is the old over-population fraud as fist concocted by Thomas Malthus in the 1750's. Malthus, it should be noted, was an employee of the British East India company and his job was to cover up British genocide in India by saying the problem was that there were too many Indians. Somethings haven't changed a bit.

fred said...

How do you know what took place before recorded time?
science tells us
What does science now say: climate change is real and it is manmade
why do you accept science at some times and reject it at other times?
why has the Pentagon consistently warned us about national defense and climate change?
why do 98 percent of climate science people believe we have now manmade climate change?
why does the UN group on the study of climate state that there is manmade climate change?
if there is change taking place and it is not manmade does that mean we should simply ignore the change and do nothing?

Anonymous said...

Hey China are you listening? Fred says you are killing the planet...I only wish there was a world leader with the balls to stand up to them.

Anonymous said...

The writing has been on the wall since the 1980’s and before. If we can’t find the will or the leadership to steer a new course then we are deadenders. Because it takes a village that cares and has the intellect and fortitude to over ride the knuckle draggers among us! Planetary karma is negative by our own actions and ineptness as a species.