Wednesday, June 19, 2019

President Trump's Immigration Policy Has Been Adopted By The Canadian Province Of Quebec

Quebec Premier Francois Legault won power in October with a promise to cut down on the number of immigrants and refugees admitted to the province each year by 20 percent (AFP Photo/MARTIN OUELLET-DIOTTE)

AFP: New Quebec law stresses migrants' skills, thousands must reapply

Montreal (AFP) - The Quebec provincial legislature on Sunday approved a controversial immigration bill that will replace a first-come, first-served standard for accepting migrants with one tied to an applicants' skills.

The law is similar to a proposed plan from US President Donald Trump that would shift his country's visa system from family-based immigration towards bringing in more skilled workers.

The law will attempt to more closely match the skills offered by would-be immigrants with the needs of the labor market in Quebec, Canada's second most-populous province.

Under the new law, some 18,000 applications now on file will be shredded, affecting as many as 50,000 people, many of whom already live in the province.

The 18,000 existing applicants will have to restart the immigration process.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: My cousin's son got his Canadian citizenship only 3 months ago. He applied (with my help) for his status in Quebec in 2013, and his skill is in IT. The Canadian federal government of Justin Trudeau has a different approach towards immigration, and have implemented a project across Canada to test it .... Ottawa picks 11 communities for pilot immigration project (CBC). But what has raised eyebrows is that Quebec has been exempted from this project. No surprises there .... there is a federal election in Canada in 4 months, and open borders does not play well in the Trudeau stronghold of Quebec.


Anonymous said...

Good for them. Time and time again the Quebecois prove that the only way to get what you want is to fight for it. They fight, and subsequently get MORE than they rightfully deserve which annoys everyone else, but we should all grow the same balls if it upsets the rest of us so much.

Bob Huntley said...

The separation bid will raise its head again, and again, until it happens.

fred said...

Trump did not invent that form of immigration...New Zealand, for example, has not wanted lots of poor people to migrate in order to live off welfare benefits and be a drain rather than an addition to the country. However, there is a distinction between immigration and refugees seeking asylum within nations and it is important to remember those two separate categories.
1. I live in country X but would like legal entry to become a citizen of your country.
2. I am escaping from political, climate, economic hardship in my country and seek asylum in your nation

AZuLike said...

For one fred your anti trump. There is a difference between immigrating legally and illegally. Oh you can claim asylum, but you have to prove it. 90% cannot. So when coming in the right way and the wrong way tell me the difference? Stop with climate change please. Its a worthless subject unless the worlds on board.

AZuLike said...

But none the less its my opinion and respect yours so what makes us democratic

Anonymous said...

If you were truly concerned about climate change you would consider permanent shut off of all immigration into gross polluting countries. Mass third world migration is only making the situation worse.