Monday, June 24, 2019

Is This The Future Of New York City?

Kristin Tate, The Hill: As the wealthy flee New York, poorest will be most affected

Are you a young person thinking of moving to a happening city? Chances are New York is not even on your list of potential hotspots, and if you are already living there, then you are looking for a way out. The last dividends of 20 years of leadership under Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg are being squandered by well intentioned but increasingly radical policies.

Dragging business practices, skyrocketing taxes, telecommuting, and loss of special status is a toxic mix for New York. Among young people, New York is becoming passé. During recent years, both the city and the state of New York have lost residents, as waves of educated and high earning millennials have fled. In fact, more than 46 percent of New Yorkers of all ages moving out of the state are in the bracket earning above $150,000.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: A close friend works in Manhattan, but she lives across the Hudson in New Jersey. She bailed out two years ago from her condo in Manhattan, and her only regret is that she wished she moved out sooner. In my case I have always loved New York City .... the good and the bad. But would I want to live there? Absolutely not.


Anonymous said...

"Why, Sir, you find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."
— Samuel Johnson

Anonymous said...

NYC: Peak Blue & Code Blue

RussInSoCal said...

Even Gov. Coumo had a fleeting brush with reality on this issue.

Trouble is, urban leftists who vacate these cities just bring the same liberal thinking (and voting) to wherever they land. Creating the same deplorable conditions they fled.

/Like a virus

Anonymous said...

time to put aside your silly biases...the world is now urban and yes, liberal, ie Boston, San Fran, Austin, Chicago, NY, Seattle, Berlin, London, Paris etc etc and the young are flocking to these cities. they are not fleeing...all the wealth of hedge funds and start ups and IT places in urban environments

Anonymous said...

With internet & teleconferencing why situate your business in a high tax state?

How come you cannot figure out what jocks, who make the cut in professional sports know?

Anonymous said...

the big tech outfits all have offices in major cities, world wide. they do not worry about taxes

RussInSoCal said...


Ask NYC how its doing with tech jobs since Amazon was driven out by AOC. Take a walk through San Fran and its tent cities and filth. Same with L.A. Austin just passed a public camping measure that allows the the same circumstance. All the cities you name are cesspools. All the cities you name are run by leftists.

And young people aren't flocking to these cities because real estate, rent, taxes and crime are all sky high.

Cities like Charlotte, Denver, Salt Lake, Albuquerque, Columbus, Cedar Rapids are attracting young firms and workers.

Please do keep YOUR "silly biases" well within these third world urban dung-heaps and away from healthy, prosperous cities still run and staffed by legitimate, sane representatives.

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

That the world is now urban has been touted since the time of Sumer and has and will be incorrect. Start using your name again, you're too obvious.

Anonymous said...

There is enough open ground and tress near el profesor for 1,000 illegals or homeless to camp put just in el professor's neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

An old Wall Street money manager with $500 billion is moving to Nashville from Manhattan to save money

Supermarkets use to scrap by with 1% to 3% profit. That is considered low. Any Wall Street firm that is not making their percentages will look at moving.

fred said...

In the past, anons, we have had urban versus rural. civilization has always been focused upon urban developments, since access via waterways, ports etc key...but if you read up on what has been taking place in China and the US you will see a major drift to urban places for jobs. Now you can of course cite this or that person or company...I note Amazon Not going to what? cities are liberal run. Sure. and often in states that are GOP run...Hedge funds have moved out of NY City in droves. To? Greenwhich, now an adjunct of the City; and north Jersey now urbanizing and housing people working in NYC and San Fran, distasteful to those here on the Right, have jobs and people and the corridor down to Palo Alto etc all sprinkled with startups and IT jobs ...the silly anon who disparages me is the same stalker who read my bio online and having no life of his own, follows my comments continue to fill whatever odd needs he seems to have.
to tell me that urban thing is old etc is just a nonstarter for what has been taking place in the past 15 years...but then such comments are from those who, presented with a current issue, will tell us about Obama some few years ago

Anonymous said...

Eric Schmidt told everyone the solution to Google (and all of it's big-tech ilk) offshoring their profits. Close the loopholes. Of course that's a lot harder than simply raising the taxes on the portion of the rich who actually do pay their taxes.

Anonymous said...

You still don't get it do you? But a liar (such as you) will always be a liar and like you a snivelling liar.

fred said...

I do not mind your putting up such nutty comments but please stop sending me those rather odd messages to my personal email. Not sure what you seek but try elsehwhere

Anonymous said...

In the past, anons,

(Let me be pedagogic and talk down to you.)

we have had urban versus rural.

(Outside of your field of expertise are you not? What is there a war or some sort of conflict? Never seen a city feed itself with maybe the exception of Paris under siege in the 1870s. Until the 19th century cities were population sinks.)

The problem of size is that quality matters. Bigger in and of itself is not necessarily good. Outside of polio has the teach every lived through an epidemic in a city?

It seems to me outside of sharing a common wall, the teach has plenty of space and greenery while he opines about the benefits of high rises, congestion, and crowding.)

Anonymous said...

Wall Street’s Slide Hurts New York; City Loses Nearly $1 Billion in Tax Revenue - NYT


Anonymous said...

Damn dude, did you auto-translate your comment into Japanese and back again?

"Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?"

Anonymous said...

It's you who published your bio, it's you who made untenable claims about your past, and it's YOU who whines about being asked about inconsistencies.
Nobody's emailing you more lies.

fred said...

I have not the time nor patience to answer name-calling attacks but on the issue of cities, I suggest you read Stewart Brand, Whole Earth Discipline...he carefully documents why cities are growing and much better for our lives. As for food, produce, I get all I want with ease and can of course even have it delivered to my door...
I did not, in passing, "publish my bio." I took part in an oral project for Rutgers on servicemen from that university that had served in our nation's wars. They put it on line. You wallow in it to get info and then write me odd notes and if that is no enough stalk me here...again, those odd needs you have will not be addressed by me so find another source to "punish me for being bad," to quote your last email to me

Anonymous said...

You gave consent. You are lying about it. Come on Squirrel get your stories straight.