Friday, June 21, 2019

Is Washington "Hungry" For A War Against Iran?

Tucker Carlson, FOX News: Tucker Carlson: Warmongers in Washington badly want a war with Iran. Trump is rightfully skeptical

Since 9/11, the U.S. has spent trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives trying to remake the Middle East in our image. It's sad to say it out loud, but we have to: It hasn't worked. Many of us thought it would, but it hasn't.

By every measure, our foreign wars have ended in dismal failure for the United States -- however noble their intentions, and some did have noble intentions. Donald Trump was one of the rare Republican politicians honest enough to admit this. He said it out loud three years ago, and promised not to repeat the same mistakes if elected president. And partly because he said that, he was elected president.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: When I read stories like this .... To avoid a wider war, Iran must be deterred with limited U.S. military strikes (The Washington Post), or this .... US should attack Iran militarily to retaliate for downing of American drone (Jim Hanson, FOX News), or this .... Lindsey Graham: If Iran 'attacks shipping again,' US should consider 'taking out their Navy, oil refineries' (FOX News), or this .... The Pirates of Tehran (Bret Stephens, New York Times) .... the answer is yes, many in Washington are looking for a war. And this is doubly so right now, with the main stream media narrative today pushing the story that President Trump is indecisive. I see it differently. President Trump was decisive in not pursuing what everyone wanted .... another war. Kudos to him for making the right decision and sticking with it.


Anonymous said...

If you really want to hit Iran hard get them banned from the 2020 Worlds wresting championship in Tokyo. Guaranteed riots in the streets!

fred said...

sad to say, but you cite what are mostly or only opinion pieces in papers to show that Trump is level headed and does not listen to people who want war.
fact: you cite Bret Stepehens as one in the NYTimes wanting war. But That guy is simply an opion writer and NOT writing an editorial taking a NYTimes postion. In fact, even the conservative article below cites him as one of the war mongers writing for the public, ie

“Nobody wants a war with Iran,” writes Stephens. Actually some people do want war, almost surely including President Trump’s secretary of state and national security adviser. So, too, does Stephens himself. The deceptive history that he chooses to propagate can have no purpose except to promote armed conflict and to impede any understanding into America’s role in planting the seeds of forever war.

Andrew Bacevich is The American Conservative’s writer-at-large.

Anonymous said...

Too often the opposition party is 180 degrees off from what the president decides just to lay down marker.

Not a lot of though or principle, but there it is.

It reminds me that Hillary, Gore, and Kerry were chjmping at the bit like fillies for Sadam's blood until Bush got elected.

fred said...

Try to deal with 2019...this is Trump article. Trump doings...this is the sort of deflection to the past to make sure the fake hair stays on the faker leading the nation

Anonymous said...

Stopped by for a second and sure enough ole secret squirrel is up to his same ol' same ol'. He just can't change, don't worry squirrel you'll find that nut, keep looking!

Anonymous said...


My first two sentences applied to both parties.

My last sentence pertained solely to the Democrats. Please try to keep up.