Wednesday, June 12, 2019

New Poll Says All Top Democrats Will Defeat President Trump In A Landslide

The Hill: Biden leads Trump by 'landslide proportions' in new national poll

Former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Trump by 13 points nationally, according to the latest Quinnipiac University survey.

In a national head-to-head matchup, the poll found Biden taking 53 percent against 40 percent for Trump, with the poll's assistant director describing it as a "landslide" margin.

Five other Democratic contenders also lead the president: Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) hold healthy leads over Trump, with Sanders up by 9 points, Harris ahead by 8 and Warren leading by 7.

Read more ....

Update #1: Wall Street expects a Trump win in 2020, but a new poll points to a different outcome (CNBC)
Update #2: Trump lashes out at polls that show 2020 re-election bid in trouble (The Guardian)

WNU Editor: The poll is here .... Top Dems Lead Trump In Head-To-Head Matchups (Quinnipiac University National Poll). What's my take? It reminds me of the polls predicting the same thing for candidate Donal Trump in 2016 .... that he was going to be defeated in a landslide.  This poll is also not consistent with turnout at rallies. President Trump shows up .... over ten thousand show up. Candidate Joe Biden shows up at a rally yesterday, and only 200 (at most) are in attendance (see below).


RussInSoCal said...

Anon is right. Fake polls to gin up fake news to gin up fake outrage when Trump is re-elected. The Dems will re-start the whole "election fraud" circus all over again.

Fake News is laying the groundwork to shriek "Stolen Election!!" in 2020.



Matthew Putnam said...

Keep this kind of news coming media. It encourages voter apathy by making the lazy dems not want to bother to show up and cast a ballot, thinking the cats already in the bag. Always shooting themselves in the foot for clicks/revenue at the expense of the actual goals, lovely stuff.

Anonymous said...

golly. and just when trump is making america great

Amp1776 said...

The dems would have a ham sandwich winning the election, but agrees. Let the entitled be entitled without actually showing up.

fred said...

anon: I know you are but what am I?

McConnell Blocks Election Security, Takes Checks From Voting Machine Lobbyists

Anonymous said...


Mike Feldhake said...

I am going to have fun watching the Media melt down again in 2020. Those 2016 you tube vids are funny 😁

Anonymous said...

Mike - agreed. Just to make these leftist idiots (Fred) cry, I'm gonna vote - rain or tornado. I will go :D

fred said...


Trump Tells ABC: Sure, I’d Collude Again