Thursday, June 13, 2019

Outrage That President Trump Would Listen To Foreign Sources If Dirt Is Offered On Political Opponents

Daily Mail: 'I think I’d take it': Trump admits he WOULD listen if foreign actors offered dirt on his political opponents ahead of the 2020 election

* President Donald Trump told ABC's Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos that if any foreign government had information about his opponents, he would 'take it'
* Trump said, 'I think you might want to listen, there isn’t anything wrong with listening' and said he would then determine whether to go to the FBI
* He maintained that accepting what he called 'oppo research' (opposition research) from foreign actors was not the same as interference in US elections
* Last month, FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress during testimony that 'the FBI would want to know about' any foreign election meddling
* Trump said, 'The FBI director is wrong, because frankly it doesn’t happen like that in life,' before hedging with, 'Now maybe it will start happening'
* Trump made the remark during an exclusive interview with ABC News over the course of two days, while on a visit to Iowa and back in Washington
* An hour-long special from the interview will air next week, only on ABC, which includes 'ABC News Live,' the network's streaming news channel

President Donald Trump has said that if foreign governments offered his campaign damaging information against his 2020 rivals during the upcoming presidential race, he would 'take it in' before going to federal authorities.

When asked by ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos in the Oval Office on Wednesday whether his campaign would accept such information from foreigners such as China or Russia or hand it over the FBI, Trump said, 'I think maybe you do both.'

He continued: 'I think you might want to listen, there isn’t anything wrong with listening. If somebody called from a country, Norway, [and said] "we have information on your opponent," I think I’d want to hear it.'

What Trump is describing is illegal under campaign finance law, as this kind of information would be considered highly valuable, and thus impermissible for a foreign actor to provide to a candidate for public office.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: President Trump is defending his remarks .... Trump defends remarks about accepting information from foreign government (The Hill). What's my take. This is a non-story even though some in the press are jumping all over his remarks. The Mueller report outlined numerous situations where intel from foreign sources was offered to the Trump campaign in 2016 and it was declined. But the punchline is that it is the Democrats themselves who have seeked intel on Trump from foreign sources. From paying a former British intelligence officer to get dirt from his Russian intel sources, to US Representative Schift accepting a call that he believed was from Ukrainian government sources who claimed that they had dirt on Trump .... Audio: Russian Comedians Prank Called Rep. Adam Schiff, Promised Him Naked Photos Of Trump (RCP). Bottom line. Dirt is always being offered to political parties and candidates, and people listen regardless of the source.

More News On President Trump Would Be Willing To Listen To Foreign Sources If Dirt Is Offered On Political Opponents

Trump says he’d ‘want to hear’ foreign dirt on his rivals -- AP
Trump would 'take' foreign information on rival in 2020 election -- BBC
Donald Trump willing to accept foreign intelligence on election rivals -- DW
Trump: Will take damaging info on 2020 rivals from foreign agents -- Al Jazeera
Trump: If foreign power offered dirt on 2020 opponent, 'I'd want to hear it' -- The Guardian
‘I’d want to hear it’: Donald Trump welcomes dirt from foreign countries on political opponents -- SCMP/AP
Trump says 'nothing wrong' with accepting dirt on 2020 rivals from foreign governments -- ABC News Online


Anonymous said...

The Mueller Report makes it very clear that the Russian govt inteferred in our elections. Trump asked in public for any info on Hillary. Now he is asking any nation that can give him dirt on an opponent that they should and he would not tell the FBI...and you think that is ok?

Anonymous said...

Another way to Steele an election...

fred said...

Trump rushes into damage control after saying he’d accept foreign help in 2020
The president, who said he talks to foreign leaders every day, turned to his familiar tactic of blaming the media.
If then nothing to this, why then, has Trump rushed for damage control. After all, he does not give a hoot about what the press says

fred said...

Legal Experts Explode Over Donald Trump’s ‘Despicable’ 2020 Bombshell
“This is an open invitation to foreign governments to commit crimes to re-elect Trump.”

Anonymous said...

Fred stop trying to Steele the spotlight.

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

Lol, yes because Russia and China just can't wait to get Trump just can't make this stuff up!

Amp1776 said...

TDS is a helluva thing, all logic and reason right out the window.

RussInSoCal said...

Hysterical anti-Trump autists activate!

Haruka said...

Trump saying those remarks is wrong. Democrats also accepting information is wrong. Both sides shouldn't be accepting information from foreign entities but here we are. That's why we need a new party since both Democrats and Republicans are equally corrupt.

fred said...

good idea, Hanuka...why not a party that used to be called Republican Party?
small govt
deficit hawks
anti Russian

fred said...

Trump smashed months of FBI work to thwart election interference
Trump's willingness to accept foreign assistance has essentially invited overseas spies to meddle with 2020 presidential campaigns, undoing months of work, said law enforcement veterans.