Thursday, June 13, 2019

Turkey Confirms That It Has Already Paid For Russia's S-400 Missile System. Rejects U.S. Ultimatums

DW: Turkey confirms Russia S-400 missile deal, ignores US warning

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan hopes the US will not decide to scrap the F-35 fighter jet program as a result of its air defense deal with Russia. Erdogan is set to meet with President Trump later this month.

Ankara has already bought a Russian anti-aircraft missile system, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told his AK party members on Wednesday.

The air defense system would be delivered to Turkey in July, the president added.

Turkey's plan to buy the Russian air defense system has been a cause of tension within the NATO military alliance, which both the United States and Turkey belong to. The US and other NATO members fear Russia could spy on NATO aircraft through the S-400 system.

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WNU Editor:
Turkey will be getting the S-400 missile system in July .... Turkey to get Russian S-400 missile system 'in July' amid row over US jets (BBC).

More News On Turkey Declaring That The Purchase Of Russia's S-400 Missile system Is A Done Deal

Erdogan: Purchase of Russian S-400 air defence systems complete -- Al Jazeera
Turkey won’t bow to US ‘ultimatums’ on Russia missile system -- AP
Turkey rejects U.S. ultimatums, says will not back down on Russia deal -- Reuters
Turkey says US ultimatum on Russia missile deal 'inappropriate' -- France 24
Turkey confirms Russia S-400 missile deal, ignores US warning -- DW
Turkey rejects U.S. ultimatums, says it will not back down on Russian S-400s -- Reuters
Erdogan: Contract on Russian S-400 ‘a done deal’ -- Press TV
Turkey will not back down on plans to obtain Russian S-400 missile systems: FM -- Press TV
Turkey Slams Pentagon's Ultimatum on S-400s, Refuses to Reverse Decision -- Sputnik

1 comment:

Bob Huntley said...