Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Poll: Third Of Britons Do Not Support The Military

Forces Network: Third Of Britons Do Not Support The Military, Claims New Survey

The lack of support seems to be linked to a widespread lack of awareness.

The Armed Forces Charity SSAFA is targeting a third of people in the UK who say they do not actively support the armed forces.

The research found one in five people in the UK would never support a military charity and almost 50 percent of those aged 16 to 34 said they do not actively support the armed forces.

The lack of support seems to be linked to a widespread lack of awareness of who the Forces are and what they do.

More than 2,000 people took part in the survey that was conducted in May this year.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: These poll numbers are shocking.


Jb said...

You have been warned about spiritual deaths

Jb said...

Nothing nice people

Jb said...

War must stop tell me not it's too late

Anonymous said...

I don't find these numbers shocking at all.

It is against human destiny to have wars among each other. We accept them as "failure of diplomacy", or "diplomacy by other means", but what it often times is is accidental killing of innocent people, caught up in this or pitted against another. It does not feel normal to me to have what, 50(?) conflict zones around the world by now, where in effect it's like a war state.

So why shouldn't 30% say? You know what, fuck that. This has only brought more misery.

It does not mean however, at least from my point of view, that anyone has a better answer so far on how we approach these things - there is an ethical theoretical resolving scenario, but that never works, so at one point someone grabs a gun and off we go, the chain reaction over and over and over again.

It also does not mean, again from my perspective, that 30% say "we don't like people in the military, or support them as human beings", of course not. It means people are getting fed up - and that's a good thing - with this constant state of madness where we accept that entire families are exploded to bits and pieces and filed under "collateral", like WTF! it needs to stop, and politicians need to listen/be better at THEIR job, so the military doesn't have to clean up THEIR mess! The political sciences and instruments we have developed are an embarrassment and stain on the human conscience.

Anonymous said...

They should not support the British military, Britain, or British culture.

They should support NAZI culture, Ayatollah culture and Islamic culture.

It is far superior with honor killings, rampant STDs, hanging gays from cranes ...

/sarc off

Nicolas Darkwater said...

How many of the respondents were named 'Muhammad'?

Anonymous said...

Keep on posting that good ole chum WNU. Rubes need to be kept riled.

Anonymous said...

Got you.

Roger Smith said...

How can a Brit be "unaware"? Their armed forces have been fighting for how long now? I'm not buying this poll.

Ok. How many tries at skirting the robot's obstructionism?

Anonymous said...

Anon's thoughtful comment at 4:53 is the truth behind the study. Good luck trying to get the boomers here to read that without their reflexive response of "Actually, the status quo only needs to change it's face, and it better be MY guy this time!" Anyway, you're correct to think that disgust is a fairly normal reaction to the zeitgeist.

Must be nice to bounce through life with the utter confidence of a 95 IQ internet warrior, popping in here and there to make snide comments about your comment section arch-enemy or "hurr durr le orange man bad because believe all women" or "hurr fred called me racist once so now I'm gonna go insane for 2 years straight"

Anonymous said...

Agreed anon interesting perspective