Thursday, June 13, 2019

Reaction And Analysis On Today's Oil Tanker Attacks Off The Coast Of Iran

Verity Ratcliffe, Anthony DiPaola and Bruce Stanley, Bloomberg: Suspected Attack on Oil Tankers Near Hormuz Fans Conflict Fears

(Bloomberg) -- Two oil tankers were damaged on Thursday in a suspected attack near the entrance to the Persian Gulf, stoking fears that high-stakes diplomatic efforts won’t avert a military confrontation between the U.S. and Iran. Oil prices surged.

The incidents, including an attack on a Japanese-operated vessel, were the second in a month to hit ships near the Strait of Hormuz chokepoint, through which about 40% of the world’s seaborne oil travels. They come as Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a rare ally of both Donald Trump and Iranian leaders, visits Tehran in an effort to ease tensions.

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Reaction And Analysis On Today's Oil Tanker Attacks Off The Coast Of Iran

U.S. assessing situation following Gulf of Oman attack: White House -- Reuters
Russia says don't use tanker attacks to pressure Iran: RIA -- Reuters
Iran shouldn’t be hastily blamed for Gulf of Oman tanker incident – Moscow -- RT
Britain urgently seeking facts on reports of tankers hit in Gulf of Oman: PM's spokesman -- Reuters
Iran Has Little to Gain From Oman Tanker Attacks -- Julian Lee, Bloomberg
Western oil supplies could be jeopardized if Strait of Hormuz becomes unsafe, tanker union claims -- RT
Why does the Strait of Hormuz matter? -- BBC
AP Explains: Mideast tensions threaten key global oil route -- AP
Factbox: Strait of Hormuz - the world's most important oil artery -- Reuters


Andrew Jackson said...

You may not want war but you're enemy gets a vote.

Andrew Jackson said...

Peace mongers go to hell ,LOL!!!

fazman said...

At least we know Israels sub is operational