Friday, June 21, 2019

Report: Iranian Leadership Furious With The Tactical Commander Who Shot Down The U.S. Drone

FOX News: Trump called off Iran strike based on Intel community facts: Gen. Keane

Gen. Jack Keane said on Friday that U.S. military action against Iran was on the table, then called off after last minute intel confirmed President Trump’s instinct that Iran's drone strike down was a “mistake.”

“The president planned to conduct a strike – directed that strike — and it was largely against the means that delivered the blow to knock down our drone. In other words, radar missile commander control, etc. But they received additional information that followed the president’s instincts,” he told FOX Business’ Stuart Varney.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Gen. Jack Keane's video is here .... Gen. Keane on Trump aborting Iran strike. What's my take? No one in the U.S. really knows what happened in that Iranian command centre. All that we know is that a decision was made on this Iranian base to launch anti-aircraft missiles at this U.S. drone.


fred said...

We do know this:
Putin warned against strike
Trump distrusts our intel
Trump called off strike ten minutes prior to its taking place. Intel told him it was rogue mistake rather than govt action
you do not order a strike when there remains lots of questions in need of answers and NO humans were killed or injured
all's well that end's well

fred said...

as one of our highly decorated military men said on the left-leaning (oh my) cable news: it was odd that we did not immediately fire a missile back at the source of the place that shot at the drone since we can do that with ease..but i will leave that for anons here to answer with their wisdom

fred said...

Replying to @realDonaldTrump

Someone who WASN’T a draft-dodger would know it’s ‘locked and loaded’.

Replying to @realDonaldTrump

If you weren't told the expected casualty count while our pilots were in flight, heads at the pentagon should roll. If you didn't bother to ask for that information, you have no business being Commander in Chief. If you knew and still waited until 10 minutes from 0 hour, WTF?

Anonymous said...

In the evil emperor's voice to Fred:
"Yeeeeees, let the anger get to you, take hold of you, feel the dark side"

You really need help, mate. Never seen someone as twisted as you

Anonymous said...

That moment you realize that you have become the Russian bot...

fred!E said...

stick and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me

Iranian general says US was warned several times before drone was shot down

fred said...

Trump’s Iran reversal exposes one of his most dangerous lies

Anonymous said...

Lapides why do you lie so much? It's documented that you've lied about your past, your present, and even about the future. Are you really that compelled? You realize I'm sure that a record of your past is in the public domain, yet still you embellish.

Anonymous said...

How to Create a Hyperlink in a Comment that no one will open

fred said...

anon: I know you are but what am I?

Anonymous said...

Get your grammar straight, the truth may be hard for you but grammar shouldn't.

fred said...

I am straight. and you?

Anonymous said...

Why do you have to tell the world you're "straight"? Is there something we should know, besides your inability to construct sentences or tell the truth?

fred said...


fred said...

Trump Faces Emoluments Accusations After Report His Businesses Received $1.6m From Republicans, Federal Agencies
‘Fox & Friends’ Calls Donald Trump ‘Weak,’ Tries to Goad Him Into War With Iran
President Donald Trump Faces New Rape Accusation
New poll shows Trump is the only U.S. president to never reach 50% approval

Anonymous said...

That's someone else's style. Try being yourself for once. I know it would leave you with little to talk about, but it would be a big improvement over your fixation on sexuality ( by the way there are apps for that, you could try them).
I will say that "..." Is the first intelligent thing you've said in months.

fred said...

Nadler: Hope Hicks testimony is huge gift in legal battle with Trump
---Ex-Trump Supporter: I Was 'Really An Idiot' to Think He'd Be a Good President
US 'now a full-fledged banana republic' after revelations over Mitch McConnell wife's $78m grants
---Trump Threatened Time Magazine Reporter With Prison Over Photo of Kim Jong Un Letter
---E. Jean Carroll accuses Donald Trump of sexual assault - Vox

fred said...


Anonymous said...

Ah Lapides, just like a squid squirting ink in every direction as he runs for cover.

fred said...

I know you ste but what am i?

Anonymous said...

Another brilliant sentence construction! And you were the chair (stool) of some poor college's English department?

Jb said...

Got u surrounded come out with your pants down you faka

Jb said...

It's over Iran the buck stops heya

Jb said...


Jb said...

They are facing one another

fred said...

I know you are, but what am I?

Anonymous said...

"I know you are,"? Seriously Lapides, you've had at least three tries and you still can't get it right!

fazman said...

Can do that with ease?, they had to triple check that the drone wasn't in Iranian airspace, then comes the planning, the authority and assembling the strike package.
One minute trumps wrong and should have waited until he had all the facts then you say its odd that he didn't act without any facts.

fazman said...

Yep Radio messages to a drone usually get answered. Why would you respond to a warning if you're in international space?
Now according to Iran a P8 spy plane was accompanying it?, cmon 😂🇮🇷🥒

Anonymous said...

To bad none of you can dispute the articles or facts Fred provides. But your childish observations say much about each of you.
No brains, no facts and blind commitment to a incompetent and immoral president and party.

Anonymous said...

Facts Fred? Come on squirrel you need to better than that. Lapides cannot construct a sentence much less provide facts. Comment under your own name squirrel.

fred said...

Thanks anon
The truth shall make thee free?
Not for closed minds that need to be told what to believe

Anonymous said...

That's right squirrel the truth will set you free. I guess that means you're going to finally tell the truth about your past military service.

fred said...

Yes. I did highly classified stuff in American Army in Korean War and served as among the first Americans to set up and work at the initial peace conference. Prior to that, I was stationed at a top secret base in the US. Now, that said. tell us all about your service, girly boy gossip monger

Anonymous said...

Ah back to the secret squirrel routine. So secret you have to tell about it. Better get your story straight squirrel.

Anonymous said...

Lapides and his sexuality fixation.

fred said...

I wait now to hear about your service. I can verify mine but have no need to ...I know what I have done and have proof of it from our govt. and you? YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT INSULT ME. I WILL REPEAT: I SERVED MY COUNTRY IN TWO HITCHES IN OUR MILITARY. YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT SHIT YOUR PANTS.

Anonymous said...

Still lying squirrel, oh sorry secret squirrel. I thought you liked insults, you use them all the time and not very well.

Anonymous said...

"set up and work at the initial peace conference" and that went really well didn't it? Your records are in the public domain plus your additions and ahem interpretation. So just keep talking.