Monday, June 3, 2019

This Is Not A Secret Military Base Near Area 51 (It Is An Art Project)

Area 51

Warzone/The Drive: No, This Bizarre Installation Near Area 51 Is Not A Secret Military Base

It may not be hiding aliens or flying saucers, but the extremely unique project is highly intriguing and culturally relevant in its own right.

The sprawling Nevada Test And Training Range is an incredibly intriguing place full of strange man-made oddities that has long been a canvas for individuals to paint their wildest dreams and biggest fears upon due to the classified nature of much of what goes on there. But not everything within its bounds or in its vicinity is some military secret or a base used for clandestine operations of one type or another. Far from it in fact. Yet many media outlets really don't care about that fact. Case in point, a story that is making the rounds, including on Russian state-owned outlet Sputnik and on social media, that claims a very odd looking installation not too far from Area 51 has some very shady purpose.

It doesn't.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This artist has been working on this project since 1972!!!! Talk about patience.


Anonymous said...

Thankfully, in the summer of 2015, with the help of senior Nevada Senator Harry Reid, the Obama Administration used the 1906 antiquities Act to establish the art installation and a whopping 700,000 acres in the area as a National Monument.
[ah, the darned Democrats again!]

Bob Huntley said...


Caecus said...

I guess he's hoping a flying saucer will mistake it for the real thing and land there. Then he can take pictures and become a millionaire.