Friday, June 21, 2019

U.S. Congress Is Taking UFOs Very Seriously Now

Politico: Senators get classified briefing on UFO sightings

Three more U.S. senators received a classified Pentagon briefing on Wednesday about a series of reported encounters by the Navy with unidentified aircraft, according to congressional and military officials — part of a growing number of requests from members of key oversight committees.

One of them was Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, whose office confirmed the briefing to POLITICO.

“If naval pilots are running into unexplained interference in the air, that’s a safety concern Senator Warner believes we need to get to the bottom of,” his spokesperson, Rachel Cohen, said in a statement.

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WNU Editor: President Trump is skeptical .... Trump got a briefing on UFOs, but said he doesn't 'particularly' believe in them (USA Today).

More News On The U.S. Congress Breing Briefed On UFOs

Three Senators are given classified briefings by the Pentagon on reported UFO sightings by Navy pilots who saw objects flying at ‘hypersonic speed’ - days after Trump said he didn't believe it -- Daily Mail
Senators receive classified briefing on UFO sightings -- CNN
Congress Is Taking the UFO Threat Seriously -- Vanity fair
Senators briefed on US Navy's encounters with UFOs: report -- The Hill
Senators briefed on UFO's as speculation grows surrounding naval sightings: report -- FOX News
US senators reportedly got a classified briefing on UFOs after Navy pilots reported seeing spherical objects flying at 'hypersonic speed' -- Business Insider
States with the most UFO sightings: Vermont leads the way -- USA Today/WSJ
Recent UFO Encounters With Navy Pilots Occurred Constantly Across Multiple Squadrons -- Warzone/The Drive


fred said...

Simple question:
Why should this be kept classified? Either there may be or there are not aliens. Why should we NOT know? Who would secrecy serve any purpose but to suggest a world we are not privy to

Haruka said...

People need to stop associating UFOs with aliens. UFOs are unidentified flying objects. This means something like a Russian aircraft that is unidentifiable would be classified as a UFO or a US test aircraft. Not believing in UFOs is absurd. UFOs do exist and most can be explained through camera angles, natural phenomena, etc... There are very few that are not explainable, but that doesn't automatically make them aliens. We should take UFOs seriously because it could be an adversary such as Russia or China.

Mikael said...

I agree, UFO just mean unidentified.. and more planes and solhistacated equipment mean er are more capable og detecting anomalies

fred said...

the clarification in these comments is helpful. We have no evidence of alien life thus far. We have now reports from our military about UFOs. Those reports claim sighting objects moving well beyond the capacity of anything that has, including what we know has been experimented with at Area 51 (yes. there are materials about that place), which then leads us to to conclude either some other nation has stuff we do not have, or they are coming from places we know little or nothing about.

RussInSoCal said...

Calling general bs on any "alien craft" sightings. Fantastic accounts, but through past news and subsequent debunking, it’s simply not plausible or possible for aircraft to travel at the rates indicated. Same for the possibility of other-world civilizations finding their way here. Time and distance spans are too great. Civilization rise/fall rates make it problematic for them to intersect across space time.

That said I think its a reality that life does exist on other planets.

fred said...

you dismiss all possibilities of other civilizations finding their way here. Ok. But you think it a reality that life exists elsewhere. What do you base that on? chances given stats of how many stars, planets etc are out there?

Anonymous said...

All are related to using new AESA radars and networking them among multiple platforms.

Bob Huntley said...


It is also possible that on other planets the physical makeup of the environment is so spectacularly different from that on Earth, that it gave rise to the development of beings and their associated inventions that might make their way around the universe in ways humans can only dream about. Think robotics maybe.

As in everything on Earth the people who are unable to do the "impossible" are often surpassed by those who somehow manage to do the "impossible".

Earthlings have in many ways, because of many issues including the propensity to experience rise and fall of civilizations, have been held back from doing the impossible as regards space travel.

Point in fact is that we are actually on the cusp of destroying our presence on Earth, or diminishing it such that it could take many thousands of years to get us back to where we are right now.

Any other worldly beings who have mastered space travel and are watching human activity would be well advised to avoid communication with the idiots, (carbon based units comes to mind) infesting this planet given human tendency to experience rise/fall rates which may not actually happen on other planets.

RussInSoCal said...

Yes. Just given the sheer number of galaxies - then the multiplier of stars within those galaxies, followed by the bodies in orbit around those stars does convince me that life has found a way on other planets besides Earth.

As for civilization rise/fall rates, I believe we are not unique in that regard. The "sunshine zone" where life is sustainable is probably a universal constant. Possibly other environments as well; e.g.: beneath the ice of Europa. Also physical structures such as symmetrical limbs, eyes, ears, etc. Just by observing other organisms we know that competition for food, mates and territory is not limited to humans.

Its a great topic. Mind bending if you try to grasp the scope of the size of the cosmos and its infinite variations.



Dave Goldstein said...

Shoot one down and ask questions later. It might be some underground Nazi's, we don't know until we find out by getting one.

Bob Huntley said...


Kill or be killed, eat or be eaten seems to be the rule for some, perhaps most life forms on this Earth. Most life on Earth lives, and dies by that code. A few animals kill for the sake of killing. In that category humans are by far the leader.

From the human perspective the survival of the fittest rule applies, but fittest does necessarily mean the biggest, strongest, most fleet of foot. For humans it also means the smartest, wealthiest, and those who can hire the really fit ones do do their killing for them. That or convince the sheep of the nation to give up their offspring to go abroad and kill for whatever reason or for none at all.

On other worlds if they exist it could be like Earth or it maybe not.

Haruka said...

I agree with Russ in that there are too many galaxies, star systems, planets, moons, etc... for us to be alone. If you look up the drake equation and put very small percentages of life occurring in to it, you will still yield a sizable amount of planetary bodies that would theoretically have alien life. Also not all life has to be carbon based which only increases the chances of life elsewhere. While I believe in aliens though, the likelihood of them visiting Earth is very very slim. Even if they were, they would most likely just be an AI craft sent, the same way we use UAVs.

But these UFO sightings are most likely an advanced nation testing aircraft (think back to the UFO sightings of the B-2 when it was still being tested) such as the U.S., Russia, or China

fazman said...

The way the pilot describes its acceleration and turns Russian or Chinese.... Cmon

fazman said...

Also thee was the mass ufo sighting over Washington dc in the 50s