Friday, June 28, 2019

Will The Democrats Lose The U.S. Presidential Election Because They Support Giving Free Health Care To ALL Illegal Immigrants?

FOX News: Democrats unite at debate in endorsing health care to undocumented immigrants

All 10 candidates on Thursday night’s Democratic debate stage said their health care plans would provide coverage for people in the country illegally, a show of unity on what had been a contentious night between the candidates.

South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg and former Vice President Joe Biden were given the opportunity to elaborate.

“Our country is healthier when everybody is healthier,” said Buttigieg. “We’re talking about something people are given the opportunity to buy into in the same way that there are undocumented immigrants in my community who pay. They pay sales taxes, they pay property taxes directly or indirectly. This is not about a handout, this is an insurance program and we do ourselves no favors by having 11 million undocumented people in our country be unable to access health care.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The U.S. already spends billions in health care for illegal immigrants, the only difference now is that it is becoming publicized. But I am not sure if it is a winning issue for the Democrats. More to the point .... California has just passed a law to provide free health care for migrants, but in the same legislation there is a penalty for Americans if they do not purchase health insurance .... California’s $215 billion budget to expand health care for illegals (FOX News). Is this fair? And do Americans support this? It is clear from last night that ten Democrats believe that it is.


Anonymous said...

Taxpayers do not want their money spent on those who are here illegally and prefer that all that money be used for the Trump Health Care program

Anonymous said...

Hah wow. The ultra-left might like this sentiment but they're a fairly small group. This is supposed to be an issue that you dance around as a Democrat. I'm surprised they actually answered the question.

Bob Huntley said...

Universal healthcare appears to have the same future as gun control, which is to say none.

Anonymous said...

NRA cites Right to Bear arms for ownership. No right for health care?

Anonymous said...

Universal healthcare is still a possibility, but not if you're gonna say that the entire world is technically eligible for benefits without having to pay an income tax. The NRA isn't advocating that every illegal immigrant be handed an AR-15 at the border.

Bob Huntley said...


You should not confuse "healthcare" with "universal healthcare". They are two different things. America has healthcare but likely will never get universal healthcare. To get universal healthcare your government has to actually care for the health of its people.

You should also understand that universal healthcare, is not free, that is while there are normally no point of service costs, and it is true that some actually pay little or nothing towards the cost of it, most people do pay for it.

As for the Constitution, as history is unfolding before our eyes, it appears to be on its way to becoming irrelevant.

Bob Huntley said...


"Universal healthcare is still a possibility, but not if you're gonna say that the entire world is technically eligible for benefits without having to pay an income tax. The NRA isn't advocating that every illegal immigrant be handed an AR-15 at the border."

Fortunately for the controlling interests in the US healthcare scheme of things, the medical profession and the drug companies, there are sufficient people in America like you to ensure the status quo, hence my comment.

Anonymous said...

I pretty clearly wrote universal healthcare and I can assure you it wasn't a mistake. Thanks for at least sitting me up on your knee while you explained universal healthcare to me though, pops. I currently live in a country that already enjoys it so you can save your breath.

And what exactly do you mean by people like me? Left-voting welfare state citizens? You live in a world of perceived enemies and it isn't healthy.

Offering free healthcare to illegal immigrants isn't a sensible left position, and if you alienate all of your allies over supremely radical positions such as that then you're doomed to irrelevancy.

If, after the Bush and Obama administrations, you only now think that the constitution is on it's way out the door then I'd like the phone number of your dealer for the past 20 years.

Anonymous said...

It you cannot immediately deport all illegals you better provide them with health care or else you invite nasty contagious disease outbreaks. Same for poor citizens. It is epidemiology dummies. Bugs don't care if you are a Trumpie, liberal or conservative. Breath, ingest or touch sick person contaminated air water, food etc. And you are toast. So you better put your ideological rage to bed and face medical reality.

Bob Huntley said...


"Anonymous said...

NRA cites Right to Bear arms for ownership. No right for health care?
June 28, 2019 at 12:20 PM
Anonymous said...

Universal healthcare is still a possibility, but not if you're gonna say that the entire world is technically eligible for benefits without having to pay an income tax. The NRA isn't advocating that every illegal immigrant be handed an AR-15 at the border."

Maybe you should get a different name.

Anonymous said...

"It you cannot immediately deport all illegals you better provide them with health care ..."

If they need several vaccinations, you are talking a lot of money. Plus you cannot give those vaccinations all at once.

You cannot vaccinate 1+ million people with multiple vaccines, lodge them, make sure they do not walk off and pay for everything else in the country.

Maybe, Maybe Obama should not have advertised American food stamps south of the border like the Dumb____ he is.