Tuesday, July 2, 2019

European Powers Concerned That Iran Has Breached The 2015 Nuclear Deal On Enriched Uranium

Business Insider: Iran's sudden rush for weapons-grade nuclear fuel is alienating its last few friends

* Iran this week breached the 2015 nuclear deal's limit on its enriched uranium stockpile, and is now threatening to seek higher-grade nuclear fuel.
* The actions risk alienating the other signatories of the Obama-era deal, which have been scrambling to preserve it since President Donald Trump withdrew last year.
* The other signatories are the EU, China, and Russia. All of them have called on each other to preserve the agreement despite Iran's latest actions.
* Britain, France, and Germany have also been helping Iran get round prohibitive US sanctions on the regime, which Iran has deemed "a good thing" but "not sufficient."

Iran's renewed push to increase its nuclear fuel stockpile risks alienating its last few allies in the world, as tensions with President Donald Trump continue to ramp up.

The regime this week breached a 300 kg limit on enriched uranium as outlined in the 2015 nuclear deal. Soon after, it threatened to increase the nuclear stockpile to weapons-grade levels by July 7 if it doesn't get sufficient relief on economic sanctions.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The White House is telling France/U.K./and Germany a "told you so" .... White House: 'Little doubt' Iran was enriching uranium under Obama administration's watch (FOX News). The Europeans are still trying to accommodate Iran .... European powers won't trigger Iran deal dispute mechanism for now: diplomats (Reuters).

More News On European Concern That Iran Has Breached The 2015 Nuclear Deal On Enriched Uranium

The Latest: European powers concerned about Iran nuke deal -- AP
Europeans urge Iran to abide by nuclear pact; Israel says preparing military -- Reuters
EU urges Iran to reverse course on uranium enrichment, stick to deal -- Times of Israel
‘Not for Now’: JCPOA’s European Signatories Won’t Sanction Iran, Want ‘to Defuse Crisis’ – Report -- Sputnik
France urges Iran to reverse breach of nuclear deal -- AP
France, China criticize Iran over uranium violation -- Times of Israel/AFP
Germany very concerned by Iran’s breach of nuclear deal, says a source -- Al Arabiya/Reuters
Moscow urges Iran to honor deal on guarantees with UN nuclear watchdog – Lavrov -- RT


Bob Huntley said...

Rocks in the stream kinda "told you so".

There was a corporate representative assigned to a development group I was working with back in the old days when serious computerization and automation was just starting to move forward. He kept talking about the projects and warned about "rocks in the stream" that would cause problems if we went one way or another on a given the project. Those "rocks in the stream" always showed up because in fact, he put them there.

Anonymous said...

Iran has allies at the EU, Russia, China and North Korea. The EU is wobbly and likely not an ally for the long haul, as for the others, yes they are committed. Except for China in the case Iran's high jinks cause China's oil bill to double or triple. Then China goes ruthless with the Mullahs.

jimbrown said...

Better have a meeting stat!

Antitroll said...

May want to read the whole nuclear deal. Can't break a deal that's already been broken

But Iran does that within the frame of the JCPOA. It is not breaching it. Article 26 of the joint plan states that the U.S. will refrain from reimposing sanctions and that Iran will react in case that happens: