Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Israel Warns Iran That It Would Be 'Hit Hard' In War After Uranium Stockpile Breach

Newsweek: Israel Warns Iran Would Be 'Hit Hard' in War After Uranium Stockpile Breach, Says It Will Act Alone If Need Be

Israel has threatened to launch unilateral military action against Iran in response to news that Tehran has breached the enriched uranium stockpile limit agreed in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action—aka the Iran nuclear deal.

Iranian officials said Monday they had surpassed the 300 kilogram limit agreed in the multilateral Obama-era deal, from which President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. last summer.

According to The Times of Israel, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz has now claimed that the development translates to an imminent threat to his country.

"Israel will not allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons, even if it has to act alone on that," Katz told Army Radio. He added that Tehran's "mistakes in the gray area will lead it to the red zone—a war in which it will be hit hard."

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More News On Israel Warning Iran That It Would Be 'Hit Hard' In War After Uranium Stockpile Breach

After Tehran Regime Breaches Nuclear Deal, Netanyahu Reiterates Israel’s Commitment to Preventing a Nuclear Iran -- Algemeiner
Israel’s foreign minister warns Iran veering toward war after uranium ramp-up -- Times of Israel
Netanyahu: Iran’s breach of uranium cap marks ‘significant step’ toward nuke -- Times of Israel
Israel Warns Iran ‘Will Be Hit Hard in War’, Vows Not to Allow Tehran ‘to Obtain Nuclear Weapons’ -- Sputnik


Roger Smith said...

Eye-uh-tol-lahs must be confident of Allah blessings.

There could be some universal international generic company that runs these things for all countries power needs but for the Mr. & Ms. Bigs of the world.
Most are not very agreeable.

Anonymous said...

I never quite understand why Iran has a beef with Israel, they aren't even close to sharing a border.

Anonymous said...

Iran technically doesn't, the Mullahs do. They were fairly well allied with the Shah and a large section of the society still has good will towards Israel. Everything in and about the Islamic Republic, does not... That's where the beef is.

Anonymous said...

So, if they just knock off the "death to Israel" thing then maybe there'd be a little less turbulence in the region?

K said...


fazman said...

Amazing, no talk of armegeddon and end of days when Israel talks of attacking Iran..... Bluff called

Anonymous said...

I wasn't aware that Israel has threatened to wipe Iran off the map, I'll have to check Wikipedia on that one...

Anonymous said...

Israel is ready to fight to the last American soldier. They're still too busy licking various wounds after getting humiliated by Hezbollah in '06.

Didn't Hezbollah kick Israel out of south Lebanon in 2000 as well? Yes.

fazman said...

Israel can take Iran on its own and they know it, see what happens when the IDF stops playing nice and hits targets before ringing them up, texting them, dropping noise makers etc.
Hezbollah humiliated no one.

Antitroll said...

You clearly fail at history or are simply a braindead Yankee. I suspect both.

Anonymous said...

say some like an adult for a change. your filthy mouth is hardly adult comment

fazman said...

Neither but hey the world needs revisionists like you, keep up the good work Irving.

fazman said...

He's gotta be 14 ffs :)