Thursday, July 4, 2019

Gallop Poll: 45% Of Americans Want President Trump Impeached

Gallop: Trump Approval Remains in Low 40s

* President Trump's approval rating now 41%, while 54% disapprove
* Attitudes are flipped on impeachment: 53% opposed, 45% in favor

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald Trump's job approval rating, which has been fluctuating between 40% and 43% since early May, was 41% in the second half of June, and includes 29% who strongly approve. Fifty-four percent of Americans disapprove of the president's performance, including 44% who do so strongly.

The June 19-30 Gallup poll, which asked those who approve and disapprove if they hold their opinions strongly or only moderately, found large majorities of both groups feeling strongly about their position. While similar to previous readings, the proportion feeling strongly on each side is at the high end of this measure -- 71% of those who approve feel strongly, as do 81% of those who disapprove.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: From an international perspective .... not an American one .... I know that certain foreign governments (i.e. China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, etc.) are hoping that this happens sooner rather than later. And for governments friendly to the U.S. (Canada, most EU countries, etc.), they are hoping that these numbers are an indication that President Trump will be resoundingly defeated in 2020. As for the Kremlin .... my gut tells me that they are hoping for another Trump victory because from their perspective, a Democrat in the White House would only make the situation worse.


Jac said...

Polls....Well, in 2016 they was all sure Trump would defeated by a large margin. The best poll will be the 2020 election.

Anonymous said...

RINOs, the establishment, the Deep State, Democrats, the MSM are going all out to get Trump.

That is the way I see it. The latest is Gary Epstein case. I could not believe that he got off so lightly, that a royal was let go or the Bill Clinton skated in 2008.

Now the documents are being unsealed. They are going to try to tie that to Trump and let The Slickmeister go. That is the way I see it. that is what they intend.

1) For 5 decades we have wanted energy independence. We have it.
2) For decades were told that 4% or 5% unemployment was actually full employment. People were just switching jobs.
3) Trump tried to pull us out of Syria but in 2015 and 2016 they called him a war monger and still do.

1/2 the Country will not be happy until they can have their cake and eat it too. Freaking Morons.

Anonymous said...

The real poll would to ask that 45% if they think Trump colluded with the Russians. I think the results would be very telling.

Crusader said...

I believe this is another case of people giving the opinion they think others want to hear for fear of being judged.
Just the way things are now...

Mike Feldhake said...

Polls = fake news

Anonymous said...

Agreed. In most tech companies you have to talk very quietly about anything you might like what Trump did. You seriously might get fired or have people just attacking you, branding and labeling you. We see it every day on this blog how a few people bully us all and attack us and call us names and are incredibly blind to their own actions. It's yeah I tend to agree. .more of my friends would vote for Trump today than before - and that's after all the lies about him.. but this will be a close one still because so many forces want him gone. ..Russia. .China. .social outrage Mob activists. ..north Korea. .Iran. ..All of them ;-)

Anonymous said...

Had some really difficult captchas on this one. ..just saying

Rodger Ramster said...

These polls are a worrisome example of how the political establishment and the population in the USA (funded by Mexican drug money and billionaire liberals, here in the US and abroad) is controlled. These polls are fake, they are doctored to present Trump as an unpopular President, and attempt to discourage him and his supporters. When the election time comes, Trump will sweep all but the most liberal of states. Just look back on the last election. Many Americans are tired and alarmed by this obvious corruption, and I believe they would support and encourage the President in tearing down the liberal establishment by force if necessary. Only blood will wash away the corruption and damage caused by the 60 year reign of the liberal/progressive/socialist/communist forces in the USA.