Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How Did An Air-To-Air Missile That France Sold To Qatar End Up In Italy?

Warzone/The Drive: Italian Cops Raid Neo-Fascists And Find Air-To-Air Missile That France Had Sold To Qatar

The operation targeted individuals over links to the conflict in Ukraine and also netted various guns and Nazi memorabilia.

Italian police have seized a French-made Matra Super 530F air-to-air missile in the course of raids to arrest multiple individuals allegedly linked to far-right extremist groups who had provided aid to groups fighting Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine. Authorities also uncovered a large cache of automatic rifles, submachine guns, and other small arms, as well as Nazi paraphernalia, during one of the arrests involving an individual linked to Italy's neo-fascist Forza Nuova political party.

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WNU Editor: This story follows on the heels of another story involving French military hardware/missiles showing up in an unexpected place .... Missiles found on pro-Haftar base in Libya belonged to France (Al Jazeera).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

France is full of shady former Foreign Legionaries who usually make spend their post-military career procuring for (and sometimes managing) militias and militaries for African despots. The list of people who get up to stuff like selling a missile in France must be viciously long.