Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Russia Bars Opposition Candidates From Moscow City Ballot

AFP: Russia bars opposition candidates from Moscow city ballot

Moscow (AFP) - Russian officials on Tuesday refused to register nearly 30 candidates for elections to Moscow's local parliament, including prominent critics of President Vladimir Putin despite protests over the move.

Opposition politicians have been fighting to get on the ballot for September's elections to the Moscow city legislature as they seek to capitalise on growing public discontent over falling living standards and unchecked corruption.

But many observers say authorities have used spurious reasons to prevent popular allies of opposition leader Alexei Navalny from running for the Russian capital's legislature.

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WNU Editor: They are barred because the local authorities know that they will win.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

I'm not so sure that they'll win. Liberals routinely overestimate their popularity pre-meddling. They are hated even more than the government, even in most of Moscow.