Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Is There A Link Between U.S. Vice President Cancelling His Trip And Russian President Putin Cancelling His Events After Today's Russian Submarine Accident?

Russian President Putin and Vice President Pence. 71 Republic

Newsweek: Russia Submarine Fire Kills 14, Sparks Concern As Vladimir Putin and Mike Pence Change Plans At Same Time

The fire that killed 14 sailors onboard one of Moscow's research submersible vehicle Monday may not have had major geopolitical implications, but Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision the following day to cancel his appearance at a scheduled event coinciding with a separate schedule change by Vice President Mike Pence initially sparked concerns that an international incident was underway.

Putin was set to appear Tuesday at the Rivers of Russia forum, but Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told the state-run Tass Russian News Agency that the Russian leader had "canceled his participation" and would be represented by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets. Instead, Putin was "scheduled to meet with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in the near future."

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WNU Editor: Yup. I am reading a lot of crazy rumours right now .... Panic rumors fly as Pence cancels trip after Russian sub accident (RT). But I am not worried. My gut is telling me that there is no linkage.


Anonymous said...

More so than in the past, unsubstantiated rumors, with nobody claiming first hand knowledge, are garbage. In the Trump era, the media and Democrats have weaponized plainly false anonymous rumors to attack Trump 24x7x365.

Roger Smith said...

I would think politicos of many nations and stripes would do the same.
I think it's a sign of respect that can rise above the fray. And when we sent the Russians a heads up on a terrorist incident in the planning stage a year or two ago. Of course, such behavior is indicative of collusion. It's a well known fact.

Anonymous said...

you are paranoid

jimbrown said...

Normal if there is a problem to deal with.

Anonymous said...

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel is preparing for its possible military involvement in any escalation in the Gulf confrontation between Iran and the United States, the Israeli foreign minister said on Tuesday.

The unraveling of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal under U.S. diplomatic pressure, Iran’s downing of a U.S. drone and its alleged role in the holing of oil tankers in the Gulf have driven up tensions and stirred war worries.

DAR said...

First, apart from political ideology, Trump is the Big Daddy of falsity. Foreign leaders watch what Trump does, not what he says. Which is too bad. Putin loves it. It will take years to rebuild trust with USA "allies" AT. After Trump.
I suppose there's a tiny chance an U.S.N. operation could have involved the Special Ops Russian sub's demise, but very unlikely. More likely is an on-board incident that affected nuke-tipped torpedoes on the boat. Which has the potential of a major incident.

Anonymous said...

if you do not like Trump, you are no ally. you have taken advantage of the US..unlike good allies like Japan, Korea, and Israel, who have no troops, military aid or money given them and are simply good friends, not globalists, whatever that may be, unless it does not mean military footprints all over the globe

Anonymous said...

So nothing. Just the press whoring for clicks, as usual. I see no signs of any emergency nor threats.