Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Is U.S. Senator Rand Paul The President's Back-Channel To Iran?

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) walks from a Republican Senate caucus meeting with U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., September 26, 2018. Joshua Roberts/Reuters

Politico: Rand Paul angles to become Trump's emissary to Iran

The senator pitched the idea during a recent round of golf with the president.

Over a round of golf this past weekend, Sen. Rand Paul asked President Donald Trump’s blessing for a sensitive diplomatic mission.

Paul proposed sitting down with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif to extend a fresh olive branch on the president’s behalf, according to four U.S. officials. The aim: to reduce tensions between the two countries. Trump signed off on the idea.

Read more ....

Update: Trump is locked in a dangerous stand-off with Iran, and reportedly turned to an anti-war Republican senator to break the deadlock (Business Insider)

WNU Editor: Someone deliberately leaked this story to kill any chance of Senator Rand Paul talking to the Iranians. Now that it is public, I doubt that this meeting is going to take place.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder who would sabotage the president like this? Who would have a vested interest in keeping the USA at peak hostility with a country that poses no real threat to us? I'll have to think on this one real hard.

RussInSoCal said...

The State Dept is still loaded with leftover Obama leg-humpers - and career leftist autocrats. Most of Foggy Bottom couldn't be trusted with a grocery list, much less a classified memo outlining a strategy that could possible bring Iran out of the cold.

These people loathe the idea that Trump could notch another success.

But if this story is true, the trajectory of the Iran negotiations are taking a turn for the positive. Meaning a result in our favor.

No missiles. No nukes for Iran.

Anonymous said...

To be fair Russ some at the State Department mere get a tingle up their leg.

Not sure what leg that might be, but...

Anonymous said...

If the State Dept remains a mess, then the leader Trump is the blame. You devote your time to blaming the Dems when Trump has been the leader for two years! That is bad leadership as any management person knows.

Anonymous said...

Trump can appoint the top people. It takes longer to weed out all the GS & SES.

Bob Huntley said...

Americans need an enemy and without one they could not survive. Anon for example curses Americans every day in almost every post. He calls them variations of the word "democrat" and that without realizing that the Republicans, who actually hold the reins at this point, as they did during the Obama years, do so only through the facilitation of key quasi Republicans, i.e., Democrats. Not all mind you but enough to allow the Republicans to drive the agenda, set by the wealthy.

Effectively they have set American against American so that the will of the wealthy is preserved. The real question is "is America driven by the American wealthy, or by outside wealthy?

The response of the then Fed head Ben Bernanke at the Congressional hearing on the use of the $800B bank bailout money was interesting. They asked why some of that money was used to take a position in the currency of New Zealand? His response was "I don't know.", asked again and again "I don't know." There was no followup for him to find out and report back. The committee caved.

Anon when you curse democrats you curse Americans, you American hater you.

Bob Huntley said...

I will give you that Anon. I am for sure more on than you.