Tuesday, July 9, 2019

UN Report: Crime Kills More People Than Armed Conflicts

DW: Crime kills more people than armed conflicts, UN study finds

Far more people are killed in homicides around the world than in conflict zones, a sweeping UN study has found. The rate of women being killed due to domestic violence is also on the rise.

Criminal activity is responsible for more deaths around the world than terror attacks and armed conflicts combined, according to a study published on Monday by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

The sweeping study found that organized crime is one of the biggest drivers of homicides around the world, and that women are more often killed by their partners or family members.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The UN report is here .... GLOBAL STUDY ON HOMICIDE 2019.


Anonymous said...

Organized crime is obvious a driver of homicides, cuz homicides is how they do business.
In America the porous border with Mexico makes it easy for organized crime to flood into the US and run their illegal drug trade and surprise surprise homicides are concentrated at organized crime distribution points, the cities such as Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, DC, Oakland, St. Louis, Milwaukee.

Obvious what the solution is too. Build the wall and staff it with all the modern technology to track anyone near the wall.

Anonymous said...

and ignore gun control because only Mexicans get guns and kill in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Anon #2, yes lets ban guns and create a new black market along with banned drugs for the Organized crime groups to exploit. Brilliant!
You haven't noticed that it is criminal groups responsible for the bulk of homicides? Sure banning guns would be honored completely by these organized crime groups now selling banned guns.
You don't think much about guns.

Anonymous said...

gun control is NOT the same thing as banning guns

Anonymous said...

Anon, we have ample gun control for law abiding citizens already. Tell me how you would institute gun control for criminals.

Anonymous said...

@231pm That's a brilliant point... I'm a bit against guns (not from America but Europe and we think all these guns over there are crazy)..but I understand your history and rights and why you have them in the first place. Your point on the black market is spot on. And guns would be even worse than drugs if you make them illegal. Very difficult situation over there ..but from my point of view, despite that I don't like it, I think Democrats are wrong on the gun issue. And on the wall. But they are right on drugs. Legalise drugs and gins will also become a bit less important because much of the homicide will go down. Also I'm sure once drugs are legal they become safer. Drugs can be a good thing if understood and legalised not stigmatised and combated like with a war on drugs. The worst public policy of the last century and you're still doing it. ..it literally kills thousands every day and you keep doing it. Madness

Anonymous said...

Take out gang killings and the American murder rate looks a lot more like England's.

Democrats are partial to their 'gangs'.

Democrats love their gangs.

Democrats actually give a sales pitch to gang leaders at election time and also pay them to get out the vote.

Democrats are responsible for the high murder rate.

Democrats needs to go to jail.