Tuesday, July 2, 2019

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence Abruptly Cancels New Hampshire Trip For Unspecified Reason

CNBC: Vice President Mike Pence abruptly cancels New Hampshire trip, goes to White House: ‘No cause for alarm’

* Vice President Mike Pence abruptly cancelled a scheduled event in New Hampshire and flew back to the White House.
* Pence’s spokeswoman Alyssa Farah said, “Something came up that required the @VP to remain in Washington, DC. It’s no cause for alarm. He looks forward to rescheduling the trip to New Hampshire very soon.
* Pence planned to make a one-day trip to the Granite State to meet alumni and former patients of the Granite Recovery Center headquarters. He then had planned to speak about the state’s opioid crisis.

Vice President Mike Pence abruptly cancelled a scheduled event in New Hampshire, and was at the White House on Tuesday.

Pence’s spokeswoman Alyssa Farah, in a tweet, said, “Something came up that required the @VP
to remain in Washington, DC. It’s no cause for alarm. ”

“He looks forward to rescheduling the trip to New Hampshire very soon,” Farah said.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: There is no friction from the usual sources .... Russia, China, North Korea, etc.. The only thing that comes to my mind is Iran, and its breach of the 300kg enriched uranium limit, and the reaction from Israel.

More News On U.S. Vice President Mike Pence Abruptly Cancelling His New Hampshire Trip For Unspecified Reason

Pence abruptly cancels New Hampshire trip for unspecified reason -- The Hill
U.S. Vice President Pence abruptly cancels trip to New Hampshire -- Reuters
Pence abruptly cancels New Hampshire trip -- AP
Pence’s plane called back to Washington over unspecified ‘emergency’ -- NYPost
Pence cancels New Hampshire event to return to White House -- CNN
'Something came up': Vice President Mike Pence abruptly cancels trip for unclear reason -- USA Today


Carl said...

Having grown up in new Hampshire, I would say that the state is better off without him.

Aside from that, under the US COnstitution, the Vice President has no real authority and is certainly not part of the chain of command to the military. he has no business being involved in those things. His armageddonist outlook in fact is the best reasons for keeping out of national security matters.

Anonymous said...

Armageddon was a very real possibility when the Soviet Union was around. they outnumbered NATO in tanks, aircraft, artillery and divisions. Only MAD and the fact that over time NATO equipment became qualitatively better prevented the communists from crossing the border.

Now we have Xi. Maybe you forgot from an hour ago, the comment from WNU that Xi told his diplomats to prepare for war.

Maybe yo did not forget. Maybe it made no impression on you whatsoever.