Thursday, August 15, 2019

Israel Bars U.S. Democratic Lawmakers Rashida Tlaib And Ilhan Omar From Visiting

U.S. President Donald Trump, U.S. Congresswomen Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are seen in a combination from file photos. REUTERS/File Photos

BBC: Israel bars Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar from visiting

Israel is blocking two US Democratic lawmakers and prominent critics of Israel from visiting.

Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were due to visit the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem next week.

Both have supported the boycott movement against Israel, but Israeli law allows supporters of the campaign to be banned from visiting.

President Trump earlier tweeted it would show "great weakness" if the pair were allowed entry.

Read more ....

WNU editor: No kidding .... U.S. lawmakers did not plan 'balanced' visit to Israel: U.S. ambassador (Reuters). US Senate minority leader wants Israel to change its mind .... Senate Democratic leader urges Israel to reverse ban on lawmakers' visit (Reuters). One more observation .... many in the U.S. media are going nuts over this story.

More News On Israel Baring U.S. Democratic Lawmakers Rashida Tlaib And Ilhan Omar From Visiting

The Latest: Envoy backs Israel denying congresswomen’s entry -- AP
Israel bars entry to outspoken US congresswomen -- AP
Israel to bar visit by two US congresswomen who support boycott -- France 24
Israel bars visit by U.S. Democratic lawmakers Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib -- Reuters
Israel blocks US congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib from country -- The Guardian
Israel bans entry to two Muslim US congresswomen over their criticism -- DW
After Trump push, Israel blocks visit by Omar, Tlaib -- Al Jazeera
Netanyahu says Omar and Tlaib intended to harm Israel on visit -- Reuters


Anonymous said...

Both spew hatred whenever they are interviewed. Should they be allowed into Israel? I think only the Israelis get to make that call. I tend to agree. I am always happy to listen to arguments, but not in the way these two present them. They, as Trump said, are a disgrace (very much like him too, but at least he brings results still - once he stops with that, he too will be gone, and he knows that)

RussInSoCal said...

LOL good. One of them is likely an illegal - both are seditious agitators.

Twitter tantrums to follow...

Anonymous said...

Why would someone from Somalia have any interest in what goes on in Israel???

Anonymous said...

1. they are not illegals
2. they are elected officials
3. they were accepted by Israel to enter the nation
4. Trump in his non stop attacks on the 4 got Bibi to prohibit their entry.
5. if Israel considers itself a democracy why she they not be allowed to visit

Anonymous said...

Come on Squirrel you really need to work on your grammar, being intelligible isn't as hard as you make it.

Anonymous said...

#3 is incorrect.

Roger Smith said...

Actions have consequences. Something they hadn't yet learned despite their age.

Frankly I am still puzzled that people of this caliber were elected.

Anonymous said...

Israel had given them permission
Trump got Bibi to change the Israeli position
"Two things may explain why Netanyahu made such a controversial decision.

The first is that he’s proud of his relationship with Trump and wouldn’t want to harm that in any way. The president privately told his advisers that he’d like Israel to block the Congress members’ entry into the country, and “Trump’s private views have reached the top level of the Israeli government,” Axios reported last Saturday."

What gets done in other places etc. is not the issue here.
We had German Bund Hitler supporters parade and hold meetings in Madison Garden.

Anonymous said...

-- SPOT ON, from @BarakRavid: “I want to tell you a secret: A month ago when Netanyahu decided to allow Omar and Tlaib into the country they already supported BDS and he knew it back then. There is only one reason for Netanyahu's backtracking today - the pressure from Donald Trump.”

AIPAC SPLITS WITH BIBI … @AIPAC: “We disagree with Reps. Omar and Tlaib’s support for the anti-Israel and anti-peace BDS movement, along with Rep. Tlaib’s calls for a one-state solution. We also believe every member of Congress should be able to visit and experience our democratic ally Israel firsthand.”

Anonymous said...

Hitler was an elected official. So is Trump.

Whoever argues here must stand on a moral argument

B.Poster said...

Countries don't act based upon anything a POTUS tells them to do. Perhaps Mr. Netanyahu acted as he did because this is how he felt and the position of POTUS gave him courage thinking that POTUS has his back on this.

While this is possible, it seems unlikely. The influence of POTUS is very limited. In taking this position, the Israel government risks a backlash from the Democrat party, much of the Republican party, and the US and world media. Doing this to capitulate to a POTUS or otherwise trying to preserve a relationship with him would be unwise in the extreme as it risks alienating other parties to facilitate relations with a party that has less influence. Additionally, POTUS has already demonstrated support for Israel in multiple areas that far transcend the Israeli prime minister. As such, support for Israel and the prime minister is not going to be lost if the Israeli government allows these individuals to enter. In contrast, disallowing their entry has certain risks associated with it that are not present with taking the position of POTUS.

As such, I think we can reasonably conclude that pressure by POTUS was not a factor in this. Now what did cause this change in position. While we cannot "know" without access to inside information in real time, we can infer based upon a careful analysis. While the theory of being "bullied" by POTUS as one commentator put it is certainly possible, it is exceedingly unlikely.

The analysis is as follows. 1.) Benjamin Netanyahu's history suggests he does not respond well to such tactics from anyone especially a leader whose powers such as those of POTUS who are by nature very limited in this arena. 2.)The risks alienating certain parties far exceeds any benefit that could be gained from doing something because POTUS told him to. 3.)Netanyahu's history suggests he does not typically like to grant favors to enemies of Israel as these individuals seem to be. Entering a foreign country one is not a citizen or legal resident of is a privilege not a right. I could go on. Suffice it to say such a theory falls in the category of extraordinary claim of which extraordinary evidence is required of which has not been presented.

Now why did Netanyahu and the Israeli government reverse course as has been suggested? I suggest 1.)as more information becomes available, individuals often change course. As such, as more information became available, the Israeli government concluded that allowing individuals into their country who hate them and would only stir up adversaries against their citizens seems a bad idea on its face. 2.)Domestic opposition to allowing these individuals in overwhelmed the initial decision and Netanyahu reversed course. Remember Israelis vote en masse in Israeli elections. Few Americans are able to vote in Israeli elections. I'm pretty sure how I'd feel if these roles were reversed and our government wanted to allow visits from foreign politicians who hate us and wish us harm. I wouldn't be thrilled with it as I am pretty sure the many Israelis who vote and contribute money and resources were not.

IMHO possibility 1 is the most likely but 2 is certainly possible. As for the notion that Trump somehow forced this on Netanyahu is not only not likely but is actually insulting to the Israeli government. This certainly would not appear to be sound diplomacy on the part of the Democrats or those who support them.

RussInSoCal said...

The self-entitled, self-serious assholes, Omar and Tlaib have no right to enter Israel. Their reaction is especially rich considering they spew non-stop Jew hate - kinda like Hitler did...

And the argument that Trump is Hitler/White Nationalist is nothing but desperate/tired shitassery.

What'll you use when you wear that one out - Trump is a space alien?

Anonymous said...

You are simply wrong in what you say and a wee bit of search will show you that
The U.S. pro-Israel lobby tweeted that while it disagrees with Tlaib and Omar's "support for the anti-Israel and anti-peace BDS movement, along with Rep. Tlaib’s calls for a one-state solution," it also believes "every member of Congress should be able to visit and experience our democratic ally Israel firsthand."

We disagree with Reps. Omar and Tlaib’s support for the anti-Israel and anti-peace BDS movement, along with Rep. Tlaib’s calls for a one-state solution. We also believe every member of Congress should be able to visit and experience our democratic ally Israel firsthand.

Anonymous said...

If you ignore the media you won't know they are going nuts. Well you'd surmise, but you wouldn't read or see their inanity in action. It's kind of like the old adage, if a tree falls and no one is there, does the falling tree make any sounds?

Anonymous said...

So Israel gave the 2 anti-Semites permission to enter Israel and then rescinded it.

This is not a problem. They felt pressured to allow it. With Trump having their back, they felt they could ignore the pressure from the Merkel, Macron, and other jackals of the world.

Anonymous said...

There was no pressure from Merkel, Macron, or any other leader. Trump convinced Bibi to change his mind. Now if that is ok with you, so be it. My concern at this point is that the record be clear.

B.Poster said...

Anon (4:15PM),

You tell me I am "simply wrong" while seeming to provide little analysis except to quote AIPAC. Very respectfully, in doing so you are using a tactic that one often uses when they are losing an argument and cannot find a counter to the other position. This is to try and change the subject.

I didn't mention AIPAC and for good reason. They are largely irrelevant. I'd liken them to a child's water pistol confronted with a vast ocean. If the child's water pistol is focused in areas where other water is being directed, perhaps it can have an impact but in and of itself it is not going to alter policy one iota.

Sure they have a few fancy dinners, issue some interesting papers from time to time, and politicians make a few speeches before them from time to time and the politicians probably get a little money from them. Overall as far as influence its a bit player that manages to survive by not alienating the "wrong" people. Furthermore as a pro-Israel organization there's those that, while not in such good graces with the powers that be, actually have better policy positions with regards to Israel.

AIPAC took a position. Trump expressed a position. They both made such positions public at some time or another. I think it a reasonable assumption that Netanyahu knows the position of AIPAC and their minimal influence. As such, he is not going to be swayed by anything they may or may not say. He may give them a nice speech from time to time. Beyond that he's largely going to ignore them. I suspect AIPAC is simply restating something that powers that be told them to state.

As to the notion of Trump "bullying" not being a factor, the conclusion still stands. Any benefit received would be nominal and the potential downsides could be huge. The most likely conclusions are he changed course as more information became available or he caved to domestic pressure. As previously pointed out, domestic pressure contributes votes and resources to campaigns that Americans cannot match. Right now I would tend to go with the notion that the course was changed as more information became available.

Neither you nor AIPAC has contributed extraordinary evidence to support your extraordinary claim and in doing so have insulted the leader of an important ally. In doing so, AIPAC has provided additional evidence for what I have long suspected. They may not really be a friend of Israel. I can say if the roles were reversed I would not be in favor allowing these individuals into America. I will reiterate kudos to Mr. Netanyahu here. I wish America had leaders like him.

B.Poster said...

Anon (4:45PM),

There's no evidence that Trump convinced Bibi to change his mind unless we take the statement by AIPAC to represent the same position as Netanyahu which I do not as the leadership of AIPAC typically takes much softer positions than he does and AIPAC needs to remain on good terms with the "right" people in the US. In any event, we would need much more evidence to support a claim that POTUS coerced a foreign leader to do something that he would likely normally do anyway based upon his prior history!!

I agree that the record should be made clear. AIPAC likely has influence among Israeli official but is far from the Israeli government. As such, they are going to be at most a small time contributor here and any statements they make are going to be just at the behest of others. The record needs to be made clear if for no other reason than by making such a reckless claim as accusing the leader of an important ally of being coerced by an American president to do something is very likely going to be seen as deeply insulting by this leader and his countrymen and women. In essence, certain US officials have insulted an important foreign leader and very likely alienated government officials as well as citizens within that country and it appears this was done for no good reason except to satiate the egos of two anti-Israeli politicians who would likely be small time except for the fact that they are anti-Israel which provides more evidence of what I've long suspected. The US may not be as reliable of a friend to Israel as we've been told. I do hope such reckless insults to the Israeli prime minister have not irreparably damaged our relations with a very important ally. So in order to undo or at least mitigate this damage by all means let the record be clear!!

Of course I'm not holding my breath. The claim of pressure from POTUS cannot be backed up and the narrative would be undermined. Furthermore it pays some to keep the false narrative going. Anti-Israel positions are easy to take and can be quite profitable with little downside risk and such a letting the record be clear would risk undermining anti-Israel positions and possibly assisting POTUS. I don't think the people spreading such narratives want to risk either one and to make the record clear risks exposing just what these American officials stand for which would tend to support the Israeli position of denying the entry.

Since the record likely won't be made clear, the hope is that this dies down within a few days. The reckless allegations made against both Trump and Netanyahu have huge potential of undermining our relations with Israel. Should they stop working with us we would be in a huge mess.

B.Poster said...

I meant anon 4:48PM. I apologize for the misprint.

Anonymous said...

Donald J. Trump

It would show great weakness if Israel allowed Rep. Omar and Rep.Tlaib to visit. They hate Israel & all Jewish people, & there is nothing that can be said or done to change their minds. Minnesota and Michigan will have a hard time putting them back in office. They are a disgrace!

This is your golden age CHUDS. Enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Trump did not pressure Bibi. He supported him.

We have no idea if Merkel or Macron pressured Bibi. We are not privy to French and German diplomatic cables.

Maybe all 3 pressured Bibi (depending on your view point) and Bibi said Trump is da man and Merkel and Macron are "Bullshit walks."

There is a 2017 law, which the excrement press says is obscure, that says Israel will deny entry to all supporters of BDS. Not very obscure if they passed it 2 years ago except maybe to people outside Israel like an American liberal news room.

Roger Smith said...

They are obnoxious and tedious. They might not survive the rotten fruit dumped on them by Israeli's. It would be fun to watch the reaction to these two as they ducked and ran the barrage while uncountable numbers of cameras filmed and recorded their distress. I think it would be high humor if they were thrown out forcibly on account of the resulting mess in the streets. Shouldn't take long. Then we would also get to watch the showboating likes of miss nancey p. and others of a similar challenged mindset. Sparticus would take off his shirt, etc. They better be quick though. It shouldn't take long. A quick and heavy barrage at the airport might even keep them on the aeroplane. How would their supporters respond? Nooooooooooooo.

The humiliation of it all. Let the kicks begin. Wheeeeeeeeee! Splat. Old time fun.

That's what I'd do.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but they have thought of this of course. Anyone who throws anything will be branded racist. Anyone who disagrees with them will be branded. ..racist. you got it. Unless we put crowns on these two divas we all will be. ..racists. that's the insanity of the left and you see it in those two divas.

B.Poster said...

Anon (6:49),

Trump tweeted something. He tweets allot or at least someone on his team does. For what it's worth, I think a compelling case could be made that he and/or his team members tweet to much.

IMHO the tweets are primarily done to get around the media filter and to communicate more directly with his supporters. Furthermore I think his use of this medium has generally been skillfully done.

The purpose of this tweet is to bring attention to the anti-Israel positions of Ms. Omar and Ms. Tlaib and to contrast this with POTUS's support for Israel. Much of Trump's base supports Israel recognizing the strategic value of the alliance. These are people POTUS will need to turn out on election day and to assist his campaign should he expect to win in 2020. It's debatable as to whether or not they hate "all Jewish people." Perhaps those Jews who hate Israel are okay in their minds. Nevertheless I've heard US supporters of Israel who comprise Trump's base soeak in such language. I haven't heard mainline Israeli leaders speak in such terms.

As such, the tweet was directed at Trump's domestic supporters. It was not directed at Netanyahu. In fact, it's unlikely that Netanyahu even saw the tweet much less having the tweet factor in his decision. The language of the tweet isn't even of the nature that would impact Israeli leaders. As such, the notion that Israeli leadership was "bullied" isn't supportable by the evidence presented. Israeli leaders like most foreign leaders aren't going to spend much time, if any, worrying about Trump's tweets. In fact, I think there's a good chance Mr. Netanyahu is still unaware of the tweet.

While Trump "supports" Netanyahu, as I point out elsewhere any benefit that Trump can provide Netanyahu is going to be mininal and anything he can take away from him or use to otherwise undermine him is even less. As such, Trump's position is most likely going to be a non factor here.

For what it's worth, the Trump tweet you reference is 100% spot on as far as allowing entry to these people would show weakness. The part wbout hating all Jews is questionable but a reasonable assertion based upon their history but Isreal doesn't make decisions based upon what POTUS says or thinks.

To suggest that Netanyahu was bullied by Trump is deeply insulting to Mr. Netanyahu and to Israel. Insulting allies in this manner is very reckless and cannot be helpful for diplomacy.

B.Poster said...

Roger (7:18),

"Obnoxious and tedious" spot on, couldn't have put it better myself. As for the rest of the analysis, I think it has merit. Were I an Israeli I certainly wouldn't want them in my country. If a foreign leader wanted to come to America and they held the views toward America that these two hold toward Israel, I wouldn't want them here. While I understand why in some cases they'd need to be allowed in, I wouldn't like it.

IMHO this is the reason for the change in course by Netsnyahu and the Israeli government. They sensed the domestic fallout as well as the security risks and wanted no part of it. Elected officials are supposed to be responsive to the security needs and the wishes of the electorate. Kudos to amr. Netanyahu for getting this right. Anything Trump said or tweeted is a non factor.

fazman said...

Good call by Israel(with a bit of a nudge and wink) , what next... Agitators both of them, Trumps picked up votes from this (or at least kept singers onboard and those crying wouldn't vote for him anyway.
Fred you should be applauding this, they are not the calibre of delegates that butter your bread.

fazman said...

This time l agree with you.

fred said...

You will now note that Trump has again changed his position since you last posted a comment
If Gingrich could go to communist china and they did not kick up a fuss when they were seriously at odds with US, then why should Israel and the US fear that elected officials from our nation--citizens here--not be allowed in an ally nation?
If those elected officials are disliked for what they stand for, then let the voters decide. If Israel is a democracy and an ally, then our elected officials should not be barred.

Anonymous said...

Elected or not Ilhan Nur Said Elmi (An illegal immigrant) and Tlaib are the same POC I saw on campus. Now they are just older, no wiser, but more dangerous.

Israel is not a democracy. Neither is Germany, Britain or the US. Once again Fred shows himself to be a pompous know-nothing who is a functional illiterate.

Pro-tip: The US is a republic.