Friday, August 23, 2019

President Orders U.S. Companies To Find An Alternative To Doing Business With China

Politico: Trump orders US companies to find an alternative to China

Trump wants manufacturing brought back to the US.

U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday used a tweet to order U.S. companies to find an alternative to doing business with China, as he lashed out at Beijing's latest round of retaliatory tariffs and pledged to respond to them later in the day.

It was unclear exactly what Trump meant with the order or how much force it has, but the tweets captured the president's frustration as his escalating trade war with China weighs on the economy and heightens the risk of a recession during an election year.

"Our Country has lost, stupidly, Trillions of Dollars with China over many years. They have stolen our Intellectual Property at a rate of Hundreds of Billions of Dollars a year, & they want to continue," Trump wrote. "I won’t let that happen! We don’t need China and, frankly, would be far better off without them."

Read more ....

Update: Trump orders U.S. firms out of China after Beijing sets new tariffs (Reuters)

WNU Editor: The U.S. is already divesting from China .... U.S.-China Investments Continue to Decline (WSJ).


Anonymous said...

Tell Boeing not to do business in China. Not only is China one of their largest markets, it's also one of their most important suppliers. This is likely the case for many other large companies as well. Trump doens't know what he's talking about.

Anonymous said...

You do not know what you are talking about.

If China is a friendly, peaceful nation, I am ecstatic that they do business in China. I am more than happy that Boeing planes are built in China for the Chinese market.

If China is an aggressive, belligerent nation, Boeing will have to choose. Boeing makes far more money in the US and from the USG. Trump has gone to bat for Boeing.

The Chinese oligarchs will have to choose whether they support Xi's aggression and idiocy.

Roger Smith said...


I recall reading of the "deal" Boeing made with China in order to procure Chinese labour for their Boeing's jetliners. I thought it a highly short term situation because the agreement required Boeing to give tech to Chinese manufacturers and training to their workers who would be involved in making parts for Boeing. The deal also included training China to build smaller airliners for inter city use by the Chinese. I believe that was the 737 model.

Anonymous said...

By making piece parts sub assemblies and assemblies, you eventually learn how to do the whole thing anyway. Slower, but you still learn.

The Chinese matriculate more engineers through Chinese or American universities. They are going to catch up. At some point tech will not be an edge. We should maintain IMO as long as possible, but where we have to shine is not having economic structural problems or cultural problems. The Left is one doozie of a cultural problem.