Friday, August 23, 2019

U.S. Says China Is Blocking Trillions in Oil and Gas In The South China Sea

A map created July 30, 2012 details the multinational, overlapping territorial disputes involving Brunei, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam in the South China Sea. Many of these countries, especially China, have expanded their presence on contested land masses known as the Spratly Islands and an incident on August 13 of this year took place on the westernmost stretch of reefs. WIKIMEDIA COMMONS/VOICE OF AMERICA

Newsweek: U.S. Says China Is Blocking Trillions in Oil and Gas, Will Send Navy for Asia Drills

The United States has accused China of preventing Southeast Asian countries from accessing trillions of dollars worth of untapped oil and gas reserves in the South China Sea as the Pentagon planned to hold its first exercise with regional powers near the strategic region.

In a press statement, State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus said Thursday that the "United States is deeply concerned that China is continuing its interference with Vietnam's longstanding oil and gas activities in Vietnam's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) claim" following recent incursions there by Chinese survey ship Haiyang Dizhi 8 and an armed escort. Beijing has laid vast claims to the South China Sea and does not recognize boundaries established there by a number of Southeast Asian nations who are supported by the U.S.

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WNU Editor: The Chinese are not even hiding their intentions anymore. Openly using their military assets to assert their claims in the region .... China, Vietnam Coast Guard Ships Face Off Near Indian Oil Block In South China Sea (IBTimes).


Mike Feldhake said...

This is going to be a shooting war soon. Too many pressure points and positions being strengthened. Sad, but China is not playing fair.

James said...

It would be a war China could not win. In truth China would be lucky to win a favorable draw.

Anonymous said...

I agree. This is an underappreciated hot spot. Vietnam backed down before but is really pissed about China's intrusions/claims. They just declare a rich zone to be theirs, even though clearly closer to international water or a neighbours coast line.. just look at this, it's between vietnam philipiines and brunei to 80%, china is just grabbing the biggest part based on... ?! Ancient claims? We know so little of our own history, I would not be surprised if the first people were from Africa and sailed the Earth. Should all of Earth belong to them then? Including China? Wow, that's generous! :D What if Aliens were here before us? Claims have to be debated and decided in front of the international court, not by military. This is craaaazyyy Xi trying to save his skin. He needs a win, and so he risks it all.

Roger Smith said...

M impression of Chinese governments over the last couple of decades is that they will push until pushed back. Agreements are temporary and are a means to an end that favors China and mean nothing.