Sunday, August 18, 2019

Ukraine's New Presdient Wants To Reform The Country's Powerful SBU Security Service

The acting chief of Ukraine's SBU security service, Ivan Bakanov, who previously headed President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's entertainment studio, Kvartal 95, and his presidential campaign.

RFE: Mission: Impossible? Ukraine's New President Ventures To Reform Powerful State Spy Agency

KYIV -- When Ukraine's domestic security service revealed last year that it had faked the death of a dissident Russian journalist to expose a team of hit men allegedly hired by Moscow to destabilize the country by assassinating high-profile figures in Kyiv, it expected to take victory lap.

Instead, the stunt sparked widespread criticism and turned into a public-relations nightmare --- one of many in the past 28 years that have tarnished the reputation of the Security Service of Ukraine.

A year later, fresh off huge election victories that brought him and his fledgling Servant of the People party to power, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy -- a former comedian who has vowed to end endemic corruption and implement sweeping reforms – may have a chance to do what none of his predecessors was able to do: revamp the agency and restore its credibility.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Ukraine's SBU is like Russia's FSB (formerly the KGB) .... probably the most powerful institution in the country. Reforming it is one of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's priorities, but it is not going to be easy. The above RFE post provides a good analysis on why this will be the case.


Anonymous said...

Kinda weird how the pro russian Ukrainian president wants to reform the Ukrainian secret service.. isn't that what you'd let a mole do, to get perfect insights into the aparatus?

Same with DJT by the way..

Bob Huntley said...

Very likely a bad crowd to piss off.